Lakelands Primary School

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About Lakelands Primary School

Name Lakelands Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Koulla Anslow
Address Wagtail Mews, Colchester, CO3 8AJ
Phone Number 01206484033
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 182
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at Lakelands Primary.

The school has the highest aspirations for every pupil. From the start, all pupils enjoy a rich curriculum that inspires them to learn. Pupils talk eagerly about their learning, such as the recent virtual exploration of the International Space Station in computing.

All pupils make strong progress from their starting points.

Pupils have formed a happy, respectful community. They love breaktimes with their friends.

They make good use of the school's many facilities, such as bicycles and the spacious all-weather court. Relationships between staff and pupils are kind and caring. Pupils conduct themselves respectfully t...hroughout the school day.

Bullying is rare. Staff deal with any issues effectively and sensitively. Pupils feel safe at school.

Pupils learn important values, such as how to be kind and look after nature. They encounter a wide range of books, which reflect their own lives as well as finding out about those who are different from them. This helps pupils to feel that they belong, while respecting each other's differences.

Pupils enjoy taking part in the many well-planned opportunities outside lessons. These include clubs, such as art history, and working with a visiting specialist in art.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

School and trust leaders believe passionately that every pupil has the right to succeed.

All staff share this vision. They feel inspired and supported by leaders. The school is exceptionally inclusive.

All pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are welcomed.

The school has created a highly ambitious, well-structured curriculum. This coherently sets out the sequence of knowledge that pupils need to learn, starting in Reception.

Teachers introduce new vocabulary from carefully chosen books. Pupils understand, learn and use these new words enthusiastically. Teachers revisit topics in different ways to help pupils build deep learning over time.

Reading saturates the curriculum. Staff of all levels are determined that all pupils learn to read well. Staff are skilled in teaching phonics.

They use an effective, systematic programme. Pupils quickly learn how to decode words and develop fluency. Books are well matched to the sounds that pupils have learned.

This helps pupils to become experts when practising their reading. Staff give prompt help to anyone falling behind. Leaders ensure that pupils encounter a rich, well-planned selection of books.

Pupils quickly develop a love of reading.

School and trust leaders prioritise high-quality training for all staff. This ensures that staff have strong subject knowledge across subjects.

Their expertise enables them to explain lesson content clearly. Teachers' explanations and searching questions help to build pupils' understanding. Teachers continually check that pupils have remembered essential knowledge, such as through mini quizzes.

Staff provide prompt, tailored support for pupils who need help. Pupils achieve highly across subjects, including in English and mathematics.

Leaders carefully identify where pupils with SEND need help and create bespoke plans to give effective support.

Teachers are highly skilled at adapting learning activities so that pupils with SEND can access the curriculum alongside others.

Children get off to an exceptionally strong start in Reception. They are happy and settle quickly with the well-established routines and calm environment.

All staff know the needs of the children extremely well. They plan inspiring, purposeful activities that motivate children while maximising learning, whatever their starting points. Teachers provide plenty of opportunities for children to practise what they learn in mathematics, reading and writing.

This ensures children are well prepared for Year 1.

In lessons, teachers ensure pupils work hard and enjoy their learning. Very occasionally, pupils drift off task without it being picked up by teachers.

This is because leaders are still training staff in the application of the behaviour policy. The policy is very well thought out and there is convincing evidence that leaders are rapidly addressing the matter.

Everything the school does is designed to widen pupils' perspectives.

Pupils learn about different cultures and relevant themes, such as equality. They encounter meaningful topics, including how to care for the planet. They learn about remarkable people who changed the world.

School assemblies are closely linked to personal, social, health and economic education lessons. These reinforce what children are learning about, such as how to be compassionate towards others.

Parents are highly complimentary about the school.

They say they particularly value the high-quality information they receive about what their children are learning. They appreciate the approachability and determination of all staff to support them.

The trust continues to provide valuable support to Lakelands Primary in its development as a new school.

Governors know the school well and make a strong contribution to the school's performance.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The safeguarding culture in the school is strong.

Staff are thoroughly trained. They are alert for signs of harm to pupils. Staff act quickly if they have a concern.

Their actions ensure that pupils get the prompt help they need. Leaders are persistent in following up their concerns. They keep meticulous records.

Leaders access a range of external agencies to get pupils the right help.

Leaders carry out thorough pre-employment checks to ensure that suitable people work at the school.

In lessons and assemblies, pupils learn the knowledge they need to make safe choices, including on the internet.

Also at this postcode
Allstar Community Academy Lakelands

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