Ashbourne Baby Nursery at Princes Risborough

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About Ashbourne Baby Nursery at Princes Risborough

Name Ashbourne Baby Nursery at Princes Risborough
Ofsted Inspections
Address Wellington Avenue, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, HP27 9HY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children follow a curriculum that encourages them to 'walk, talk and be kind'. This simple yet highly effective curriculum prepares them with the excellent foundations to be highly successful in their future learning. Children develop superb literacy skills and a genuine love of books.

During the inspection, children chose a story from the shelf, sat on the floor and placed the book upon their knees. They turned each page, 'reading' with great animation and babbling as they pointed at pictures in the book. This shows that even though children are too young to read and even talk in words, they are extremely excited by boo...ks.

Staff use a running commentary, name things and ask questions. They talk with children in a meaningful manner. Despite their young age, children are rapidly developing speech and use words to share their experiences with staff and each other.

Children explore the nursery and follow a routine that expertly meets their needs. They show their deep affection for staff. The older, more confident children regularly check in with staff as they explore the environment.

Younger children raise their arms and staff ask if they would like a cuddle. Children readily accept the comfort staff offer and show they feel exceptionally settled and content in their care. Children demonstrate the affectionate care that they receive themselves when playing with dolls.

They sensitively rock and cradle the dolls in their arms. Staff teach children to be considerate towards others. They stroke their arms and hands reminding them to be gentle.

This helps children to learn about how to play and interact with others.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Careful planning and organisation of the room boost children's physical skills. Cosy 'nooks' are available for children to snuggle up with staff.

Low-level furniture and equipment help to support babies in their early walking. They hold on to furniture as they 'cruise' around the setting before walking independently. This superb attention to detail provides a safe space for children to explore independently.

Staff know that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on children's emotional development. Some children find it very difficult to settle at the nursery. Staff are alert to this and ensure that children do not become distressed.

Staff build extremely close relationships with families to ensure that children have the right level of support they need to get the very best from their time at the nursery. Children display exceptionally high levels of self-esteem and confidence.Empowering children to make choices is truly at the heart of the provision.

Staff encourage children to play in the way they choose. Their play is uninterrupted as staff manage periods of change extremely well. Children can decide to eat in the garden on a comfy cushion and pick when and what they eat.

Therefore, children eat when they are hungry rather than because it is routine. Children take themselves off to rest in the sleep room when they are tired. This shows children are starting to learn to meet their own needs.

The nursery has an exceptionally warm and welcoming ethos. Staff strive to ensure that every family feels included. The manager has taken huge strides in ensuring that the nursery is diverse and reflective of children's many differing types of families.

Staff are genuinely respectful and caring with children. They listen to them and provide considerate care. For example, before any care routines, such as wiping noses or changing nappies, staff ask children and tell them what will happen.

This shows how staff value children, their rights and their sense of safety and security.The nursery manager is inspirational. He shares his passion and enthusiasm with the staff team and is uncompromising in his pursuit of providing children with excellent care.

He achieves this vision by continually reviewing and improving the nursery.Staff are exceptionally happy in their work. They say that they are part of team that feels like a family.

The excellent support that staff receive when training promotes their great understanding and deep awareness of their role and responsibilities. Leaders encourage all staff to build on their knowledge by gaining a formal childcare qualification. The manager recognises that the staff are the nursery's biggest asset and invests a great deal of time in supporting and coaching them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff have a depth of understanding about their role and responsibility in keeping children safe. They are alert to safeguarding issues both within the setting and in the wider local area.

All staff know what action they must take if they have a concern about children's welfare or the conduct of staff. There is a thorough procedure for recruitment and induction that ensures that all those who work with children are safe and suitable to do so. All staff have the knowledge and skills that they need to promote children's safety and security.

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