Bubblewrap After School Club

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About Bubblewrap After School Club

Name Bubblewrap After School Club
Address Princes Risborough Primary School, Wellington Avenue, Princes Risborough, HP27 9HY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club. They receive a warm welcome from the jolly and enthusiastic staff. This helps children start each session in a positive mood, feeling welcome and safe.

Staff are especially attentive to children attending their first sessions, making sure these children know where everything is and introducing them to other children. This helps these children settle and join in with all the activities on offer right from the start.Staff have high standards they expect from children and children rise to these admirably.

Children understand the rules in place to keep them safe because the sta...ff explain them clearly and consistently. As a result, children know to ask before moving between the different rooms, to stop and listen to staff when they hear a certain clap and to be kind and considerate to each other. This all helps create a safe environment, where children can engage in lots of fun and worthwhile activities.

Children develop their social skills as they play together to create imaginative games. They enjoy making new friends and playing with existing friends. They learn about team work and cooperation when playing ball games and board games.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff plan well, so that children can follow their interests and build further, through play, on the skills and knowledge they are learning at school or elsewhere. During sessions, there is a wide variety of activities on offer, including crafts, team games, cookery and ball games. Children thoroughly enjoy choosing what to do and demonstrate positive and enthusiastic attitudes towards their play.

Staff interact very well with the children. This enhances children's play very effectively. For example, staff make models and create jewellery alongside children.

This helps children remain focused and engaged, as well as encouraging children to take part in conversations that build on their developing language skills.The manager and provider support staff very effectively. They provide staff with lots of opportunities to attend training to enhance their skills.

This training is then put to good use to enhance experiences for children. For example, training on the importance of energetic and slightly risky play has given staff much more confidence to oversee play where children get very excited. Staff make sound judgements of when to intervene and when to stand back more and supervise.

Children speak very highly of their time at the club. They explain that adults listen to them and ask them about the things they would like to do. Children say they like this because it helps them really enjoy the club and have lots of fun.

This shows that staff are encouraging children to make decision and share their views, important skills for all children.Staff meet children's individual needs very well. They gather lots of important information from parents and complete additional training as required, to ensure they can meet any medical needs children may have.

They are equally as effective in meeting the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Parents report they feel their children are safe and happy at the club.Children have plenty of opportunities to be active and energetic.

They enjoy playing on bikes and scooters, climbing and playing football. This all helps them build a positive attitude towards following an active lifestyle. However, some routines do not best help children learn to make healthy choices around food.

For example, during holiday clubs, children have daily opportunities to purchase and eat sweets.The manager and provider are very committed to providing high-quality provision and they do this successfully. They are extremely supportive towards their staff team, who speak highly of their experience of working for the provider.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider follows robust procedures to ensure those she employs to work with children are suitable to do so. The manager ensures staff undergo regular training to keep their safeguarding knowledge updated.

Staff demonstrate a secure understanding of the signs that could indicate a child is at risk of harm. Staff are clear about their role in keeping children safe. They know how to respond to any concerns they may have about a child's welfare.

This includes how to share concerns beyond the manager and provider if the need to do so arose. Staff ensure the premises are a safe and suitable space for the care of children. They deploy themselves effectively to ensure children are supervised closely, in order to keep children safe at the club.

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Princes Risborough Primary School Ashbourne Baby Nursery at Princes Risborough

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