Atlas Camps Wotton-Under-Edge

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About Atlas Camps Wotton-Under-Edge

Name Atlas Camps Wotton-Under-Edge
Address The British School, Wortley Road, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 7JU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time at this fun and friendly camp and demonstrate high levels of confidence. They take part in all that is on offer with great enthusiasm. Children are considerate to others and quickly form strong friendships.

Staff provide a very safe and caring environment for children and value their thought and ideas. For example, children always participate in planning the activities for the day. Staff offer children choice of an extensive range of physical activities and they have a lot of space to play, indoors and outdoors.

During the inspection, children were very engaged as they participated in e...nergetic ball games, including football and dodgeball.Children have excellent opportunities to be creative and develop their imaginative skills. They create their own models from small bricks, making a 'rooster car' and a 'dog's home' and display them proudly for their friends to see.

Older children design posters and medals with an Olympic theme and enthusiastically tell staff and friends about their drawings and which races they would win. The well-qualified staff are very supportive and ask well-timed questions. They follow children's interests with enthusiasm and incorporate them into their planning for future activities.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team's excellent leadership skills are impressive. They ensure staff are deployed across all settings within the company to ensure consistency in approach. Management is very focused to provide support and development opportunities for the dedicated staff team and precisely target their professional development opportunities.

For example, staff responsible for the care of younger children have recently attended training to extend their knowledge of the early years foundation stage.Staff are exceptionally positive role models for children and demonstrate high levels of respect for others. Children are kind, listen carefully to their friends and behave very well.

For instance, during a lively running game, older children notice younger children's shoelaces are undone and stop to help. All children assist with moving equipment and tidying up because they know it is fair that everybody helps.Leaders and camp managers implement robust procedures to ensure that children are safe.

They make sure the premises are secure and children are very closely supervised at all times. Staff help all children understand and follow the effective, simple rules that are designed to keep them safe. For example, children engage in reminders about rules and boundaries during the daily welcome meeting.

Staff encourage children well to take part in a wide range of activities to promote their physical health and well-being. For instance, they teach children the rules of team games and encourage them to play energetically when outdoors. Children know to take shade breaks in sunny weather and to drink regularly to stay hydrated.

They fill up their water bottles when they are empty without prompt.Partnerships with parents are strong. Parents are very complimentary regarding the high quality of care the staff provide.

Parents comment that they are very impressed with the talented and professional staff and the timely communication of the changes made to the setting during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Children in a digital survey said that staff were always 'fun and sparkly' and during the inspection children stated, 'I love it here, I say a gigantic 'please' to my dad and he lets me come every week'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff fully understand their role to protect children from harm. They know what procedures to follow should they have a concern about a child's welfare or in the event of an allegation being made about a member of staff. Leaders ensure that staff's safeguarding training and first-aid certificates are up to date.

Staff complete accident forms and inform parents by email if their child has had an accident at the camp, and of the first-aid treatment given. Staff recruitment and selection procedures and risk assessments are effective. Leaders are currently developing even tighter daily checking procedures to identify even the smallest of risks.

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