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neighbourhood information, carry out school comparisons and much more. Below is some useful summary information regarding The British School.
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Pupils enjoy coming to school. They have positive attitudes to their learning. They attend well, and few are absent for long periods of time.
Pupils enjoy the experiences that the school provides within its planned curriculum, including visits, themed weeks and days.
Leaders have high expectations of all pupils. Staff know and understand their pupils well.
They want them to succeed. Pupils behave and conduct themselves well around the school.
Pupils cooperate and value each other.
They work well together in lessons. They understand the importance of equality and diversity. Pupils state that 'differences are not a big thing for us'.
...They are respectful and given opportunities to reflect on their beliefs and those of others. They say, 'We can't not respect what different people think'.
Pupils feel safe.
They know that the adults in school care about them and that there is always someone to talk to if they are worried. Pupils say that bullying does not happen often but, when it does, it is dealt with quickly and stops.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and governors have a good understanding of the strengths of the school.
They have developed an exciting and engaging curriculum that is well planned in most subjects. As a result, pupils know more and remember more. They are well prepared for the next stage in their education.
Particular strengths include reading, mathematics, science and music. In some subjects, planning is less robust; for example in geography. Subject leaders, however, are being supported well by senior leaders in developing their subject areas across the school.
The school prioritises reading. Pupils start to learn phonics as soon as they join the school. Good links with the Kindergarten mean that staff are able to work closely together to ensure a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics.
Pupils love reading. They talk about the books they have read with enthusiasm and can discuss and predict what they think will happen next in their current reading book. Pupils understand why reading is important.
Those who fall behind are provided with extra support to enable them to catch up quickly.
Teachers have good subject knowledge, particularly in mathematics. Teaching helps pupils to develop a good basic knowledge of mathematics.
The mathematics leader provides effective support to all staff. Teachers' strong subject knowledge has a positive effect on pupils' learning. However, assessment is not always used well enough to support pupils' learning.
This means that learning is not checked effectively to support new learning and to deal with misconceptions pupils may have.
Governors check that the school is meeting the needs of those pupils who are vulnerable, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They ensure that safeguarding arrangements are effective.
However, parents and carers do not have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the governing body and how it holds leaders to account.
Teachers expect pupils to behave well, and they do. Pupils have positive attitudes to their learning.
They work well together. Teachers give pupils opportunities to discuss and debate their views, which encourages their thinking.
The school promotes pupils' personal development well.
Pupils understand why respecting others is important. They know the differences between right and wrong. The school promotes opportunities outside the taught curriculum to support pupils in developing their personal interests throughout the year.
These include residential visits and opportunities to take part in musical and sporting activities within the community.
The curriculum caters effectively for pupils with SEND. Leaders ensure that these pupils participate fully in all aspects of school life.
All adults understand pupils' needs and abilities. They provide good emotional and academic support.
In early years, children are provided with a well-planned and resourced curriculum.
Staff support children's language development well. Close links with the Kindergarten ensure that staff know the children well on entry to school. Teachers make sure that there is a strong focus on early reading, singing and rhymes.
Children enjoy their learning. They select activities and become engrossed in the activities they select. They talk to each other and cooperate well.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The school puts safeguarding as central to its work. Leaders make sure that all recruitment checks are completed before staff work with pupils.
Pupils are confident to talk to staff if they have a problem. Staff are well trained and understand the procedures when they are concerned about a child. Leaders take appropriate action to safeguard the most vulnerable children.
Governors make regular checks on the school's safeguarding arrangements to ensure these are effective.
Children say that they feel safe. They know how to be safe when they are online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
In most subjects, the curriculum is planned well. Leaders need to ensure that the sequencing of the curriculum is robust across all subject areas so that pupils are able to build on prior knowledge, develop their vocabulary, and use recall to support new learning, particularly in geography. .
Some teachers do not always make the best use of assessment information they have about their pupils. As a result, teachers do not accurately know how well pupils are learning. Leaders need to ensure that assessment is used consistently well to understand what pupils know, understand and can do.
. Parents do not understand the roles and responsibilities of the governing body. Although governors have a clear understanding of the work of the school and how to challenge leaders to ensure that pupils achieve a good quality of education, they must ensure that the community understands their role, what they are responsible for and how they hold leaders of the school to account.