Bushey Heath Primary School Holiday Club

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About Bushey Heath Primary School Holiday Club

Name Bushey Heath Primary School Holiday Club
Address Bushey Heath Primary School, The Rutts, Bushey, WD23 1SP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children happily arrive at the club and are greeted by welcoming staff, who are kind and attentive to their individual needs. They settle quickly, seeking out new friends to share experiences.

Staff offer children a good range of age-appropriate activities and resources throughout the day. This successfully supports children to try new experiences and learn new skills, such as archery. Staff teach children how to hold the bow and arrow correctly and discuss how to stay safe.

Younger children demonstrate their excitement when they successfully hit the target, identifying that they had hit the number six. Staff readily engag...e in conversations with the children, expand discussions and take a genuine interest in what they are doing. For example, staff talk to the children about their drawings, the models they are making out of dough and the board games they are playing.

Children build on a range of skills that support their ongoing learning. They listen to instructions, learn the rules of games, patiently wait their turn and behave very well. Staff provide warm up games, which the children thoroughly enjoy.

They encourage the children to move their bodies in a variety of ways. Children learn to take giant strides, to jump on one leg and run as fast as a cheetah.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The dedicated provider and staff strive to provide a safe and fun environment for the children to enjoy during the school holidays.

At the start of the session, staff support children to understand what is expected of them. For example, discussions take place to remind children of the rules of the club, such as respecting each other, the staff and equipment. Staff also remind young children of the areas they can access and to seek the help of staff if they are feeling sad or upset.

The provider has secure recruitment, induction and supervision procedures in place. This ensures staff are clear about their roles and responsibilities. Staff complete online training, such as child protection training, before they commence working with the children and are required to obtain a paediatric first-aid qualification.

Staff demonstrate a positive attitude to their roles and state that they feel valued. There is a good team spirit.The provider and staff fully appreciate that this is a holiday club.

They provide opportunities for children to have fun and mix with their peers while developing their knowledge and skills further. Staff complete daily risk assessment checks to ensure the premises and equipment are safe, and the premises secure.Young children have an assigned key person.

This helps children to settle and become familiar with their new surroundings. Staff interact well with the children and ensure that they are happy and comfortable. They praise children for their efforts and achievements, which support their confidence and emotional well-being.

Children respond by talking about what they are doing.Staff encourage children to be physically active and provide daily opportunities for them to play outside in the fresh air. They demonstrate and teach children how to hold a tennis racquet to hit the ball.

Additionally, children have opportunities to play football, dodgeball and to participate in team games, such as tag and gymnastics.Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and act as good role models. Children reflect this and are kind and caring.

For example, older children play cooperatively alongside younger children during games, such as the 'camouflage' hide and seek game. Children have lots of fun trying to guess where their friends are hiding.Staff promote effective hygiene practises.

For example, children know that they need to wash their hands before their snack and lunchtimes. Mealtimes are social occasions. Staff supervise children as they eat, encourage good table manners and talk to them about the importance of eating healthy food options, they remind children to have their drink.

Communication with parents is effective. Information about the club is provided on the club's website and the online booking system enables parents to share key information. For example, information about specific dietary needs and any medical requirements.

This supports continuous and consistent care for the children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
After School Activity Club Bushey Heath Primary School

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