Busykids Newbury

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About Busykids Newbury

Name Busykids Newbury
Address The Annex, St. Georges Church Hall, Andover Road, NEWBURY, Berkshire, RG14 6NU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestBerkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are pleased to see the staff and meet them with wide smiles when they are collected from school. They clearly look forward to attending the club and benefit from the caring, well-organised environment.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported extremely well. Quiet spaces and a dark tent are provided for those who have additional sensory needs. Staff observe children at play well.

They swiftly and skilfully support successful interactions between children. For example, when children are finding play challenging, staff use gentle reminders of expectations with calm and quiet v...oices. This helps children to be able to regulate their behaviour and make positive choices.

Staff work hard to ensure that the atmosphere in the club is warm and welcoming. They get to know the children very well and consider their interests when planning. This supports children in gaining a sense of security and belonging.

Children behave well and treat each other with respect and kindness. For example, when crafting, children happily share resources, such as ribbons and collage materials. They also remember to say please and thank you to each other.

Children enjoy the wide range of opportunities to be physically active. Staff do their best to ensure that children access the well-planned outdoor area daily. Here they can benefit from the fresh air while participating in activities, such as playing football, climbing on apparatus, and digging in the garden.

Inside, soft balls and circus equipment are also provided. This promotes children's ability to improve their coordination and control.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children's social skills are promoted well.

Staff act as positive role models in their interactions and facilitate play effectvely between differing aged children. For example, when a variety of ages are playing football, staff members praise the developing skills of younger children. While older children are praised for helping to teach these new skills and showing consideration towards others.

Children gain a good understanding of how to be kind and respectful.Managers ensure that staff are well deployed and supervise the children vigilantly across the different areas of the setting. Staff communicate successfully with each other when moving around the site and ensure that important information is shared successfully.

For example, medical monitoring devices for children with SEND are checked and shared at regular intervals. Children's safety is given high priority.Children demonstrate a positive attitude towards their play.

They are highly engaged, self-assured and demonstrate confidence in their play. They happily talk to staff and visitors about their school day, likes and interests. Children freely move around the environment and access a wide range of resources that interest them, asking staff for additional items should they require them.

Staff help children to gain a good understanding of personal hygiene and healthy lifestyle choices. Children know to wash their hands before snack and are offered a generous selection of fruits and vegetables each day. At snack time, children use tongs to serve themselves food and pour their own drinks from jugs.

Children's independence skills are promoted well.The key-person system is highly effective. All early years children and those with SEND are allocated a specific adult.

This key-person regularly liaises with teachers and parents to help meet the specific needs of the individual children. The experienced and devoted team are dedicated to helping all children in becoming content and well settled at the club.Children are provided opportunities to learn about equality and diversity.

For example, they celebrate a variety of events that reflect life in modern Britain, such as Downs Syndrome Day, Shrove Tuesday, Chinese New Year and Remembrance Sunday. These are explored through fun activities, for instance apple printing poppies and tasting noodles with chopsticks.Leaders and managers are effective in promoting staff development opportunities.

Regular supervision and appraisals help to ensure individual strengths are identified, celebrated, and shared, while future areas of improvement can be supported effectively. Staff feel highly valued and work as a very close-knit team.Parents speak very highly of the club.

They value the regular communication provided and state that their children adore coming to the wraparound care and holiday club provided. In written feedback, parents have stated: 'The love the staff show these children is exemplary' and 'It is like the biggest family you could wish for.' Partnership with parents is strong.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are very aware of their responsibility to keep children safe. They attend regular, relevant safeguarding training, which helps to ensure knowledge and skills are kept up to date.

They demonstrate the ability to identify the potential signs that could suggest that a child's welfare is at risk. Staff are clear on the club's policies and procedures and know how to record and report concerns, including allegations against a member of staff. The staff recruitment process is robust.

Managers ensure that essential checks are in place for all employees. Staff suitability is also checked on a regular basis. This helps to establish that all staff working with children are continually suitable and children remain safe.

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