Carr Lane Kids Club

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About Carr Lane Kids Club

Name Carr Lane Kids Club
Address Willerby Carr Lane Primary School, Carr Lane, Willerby, HULL, HU10 6JT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority EastRidingofYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are very settled in the safe and secure environment. They know and understand the routine of the day and settle in on arrival from school.

Children are aware of the resources available and the activities they can engage in. Children know that staff value and respect their choices and opinions. They contribute to discussions about what will happen in the session and plan future activities.

Children's physical development is promoted through a wide and interesting range of activities, both indoor and outdoor. Children look forward to playing outside and enjoy the fresh air. They invite staff into their play as they through the tunnel and play ball games.

Staff support children to create arts and crafts projects, which they proudly show parents at the end of the session. This contributes to their self-esteem and builds their confidence. Children display excellent behaviour.

Staff are calm and gentle in their interactions and children thrive in this caring environment. The older children demonstrate care and empathy towards the younger children. They check on them if they slip, when running about and chasing the hoops down the ramp.

Children form strong friendships. They enjoy sitting with their friends as they eat snack and chatter about their day at school.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children understand the benefits of being healthy.

Staff offer children a variety of healthy options for snack and talk about unhealthy options, when treats are given for birthday celebrations. Children are reminded to remain hydrated after running about outside. They know to wash their hands on entry to the setting and how to maintain good hygiene.

Staff follow children's dietary requirements effectively.Staff support children to develop their independence skills. Children are encouraged to hang up their own coats and bags on arrival from school.

The praise from staff contributes to children's high levels of confidence and self-esteem.Staff encourage lively conversations about children's families and communities. As a result, they get to know the children well and know about their interests outside of the setting.

This supports staff to offer a programme of activities which follows children's interests.Children display excellent manners. They encourage their peers to say thank you as they hand out snacks.

They patiently wait for their turn to speak as they contribute to the discussion about hot cross buns and their origin.Children enjoy attending the setting. They are keen to share their views about the club and what they love to do.

They enjoy the time spent with staff and other children.Staff work cohesively to ensure the smooth running of the club. They recognise their roles and responsibilities as children explore the varied play opportunities inside and outside.

They know each other's whereabouts to ensure children are appropriately supervised at all times.Staff report excellent relationships with the school where they are based. They communicate effectively with school staff.

They obtain important information, which enables them to fully meet the emotional and developmental needs of all children.Staff extend children's learning from school to activities they are doing in the club. They talk about Easter and Ramadan as they develop children's understanding of diversity and differences.

Parents are extremely complimentary about the club. They appreciate the good level of communication provided about their child's day and the interaction from staff. They like how children can play with differently aged children and feel this benefits their relationship building.

Managers and staff regularly review the provision. They evaluate each session and make adjustments as necessary. They consider how the environment and activities can be adapted and improved upon.

The management team value staff's ongoing professional development. They discuss with staff any training needs, which contribute to supporting children in the club and meeting their needs. Appraisals and discussions ensure staff have an opportunity to highlight any additional support required.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff demonstrate a suitable awareness of how to keep children safe in the setting. They carry out risk assessments and take appropriate action.

They ensure children are appropriately supervised and collected by authorised people. Staff have a good understanding of the procedures to follow should they have concerns about children. They are aware of the action to take when allegations are made against adults working with children.

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