Willerby Carr Lane Primary School

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About Willerby Carr Lane Primary School

Name Willerby Carr Lane Primary School
Website https://willerbycarrlaneprimary.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Laura Widdowson
Address Carr Lane, Willerby, Hull, HU10 6JT
Phone Number 01482653388
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 416
Local Authority East Riding of Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Key Findings

This is a good school.

It is not yet outstanding because there are not enough pupils attaining at the highest levels in reading, writing and mathematics and only a small proportion of teaching is outstanding. Achievement is good. Children enter the Early Years Foundation Stage with skills expected for their age.

Pupils make good progress and leave with attainment above average at the end of Key Stage 2 in all subjects. The stimulating curriculum ensures pupils enjoy learning by providing real life experiences. As a result, pupils enjoy coming to school regularly and attendance is above average.

Teaching is good and is outstanding in a small minority of lessons. Teachers successfully m...otivate and engage pupils in their learning. Lessons are carefully planned and pupils have good opportunities to work in small groups which effectively help to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding, although sometimes opportunities for independent research are limited.

There is some high quality marking but it is not consistent throughout the school and sometimes there is not enough time given for pupils to talk about their learning. Behaviour and attitudes to learning are good and in some lessons are exemplary. Pupils are polite, friendly and very welcoming to visitors and new pupils.

They work and play well together. They feel safe and feel confident that staff will sort out any disputes fairly. Leadership and management are good.

The headteacher and the senior leadership team provide strong leadership in creating a caring and united school. Greater accountability of teachers and effective professional development are helping to enhance teachers' skills. Parents and carers are not all clear about how they can support their children.

Information about the school

This is a larger than average-size primary school. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is low. The proportion of pupils supported by school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is low.

Almost all of the pupils are from a White British background. There is a breakfast club and after-school club that are not managed by the school's governing body. The school meets the current floor standard which are the minimum standards expected by the government.

Since the last inspection the school has experienced significant changes in the teaching staff and the whole school has moved into a brand new building. The headteacher is a Local Leader of Education. The school has gained the Eco Silver and Quality Mark Awards.

Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms

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