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The Church House Nursery, Nether Street, Nottingham, NG9 2AT
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children develop close attachments with the caring and nurturing staff at this home from home nursery.
This helps children to feel safe and secure in their environment. Staff help children to develop their communication and language skills. Babies interest is ignited as they excitedly look at pop-up books with staff.
Older children, enjoy singing and acting out well known stories with staff. Simple sign language and visual aids are used by staff to help babies and children to understand and communicate their needs. All children's needs including those with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are catere...d for well by staff.
Knowledgeable and experienced staff help children to make progress from their individual starting points. For example, they effectively use assessment to identify children's targets and promote this through play and meaningful interactions. Children respond positively to changes in routine and follow instructions from staff well.
For example, they eagerly help staff to put toys away during tidy up time. Staff provide praise, encouragement and rewards to promote children's positive behaviour. Children's confidence and self-esteem is boosted, as they proudly show visitors the stickers that staff have awarded to them.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The nominated individual, manager and staff are exceptionally passionate about providing high quality care. Staff well-being is valued and a high priority of the manager. Staff are supported through supervisions, appraisals and informal discussions.
They explain that they enjoy and find their roles very rewarding. This is reflected in the high staff morale and contributes to the positive environment for all at the nursery.Children show high levels of engagement in the well-planned activities provided by staff.
For instance, they show fascination, as they look at small plastic animals though a magnifying glass. Children welcome the involvement of staff as they learn about lizards, gecko's and crocodiles.Staff share information about children's development, interests and needs when moving rooms or starting school.
However, staff do not always share information with other early years settings that children attend, to help promote a consistent approach to their care and learning.Children are supported by staff to understand their emotions and feelings. For example, staff carry out small group work with children.
They discuss with children what makes them sad and what makes them happy. Children eagerly contribute their own experiences, helping them to make sense of their feelings.Staff promote children's independence skills.
For example, they provide school uniforms for older children to learn how to dress and undress. Children learn to use the toilet and ask for help from staff when needed. Staff encourage children to pour their own drinks and take away their plates.
This helps children to develop skills for the future.Staff have established strong partnerships with parents. They regularly share information about children's achievements, targets and routine information.
This helps parents to know their child's day and on-going development. Staff invite parents to events at the nursery such as, graduation day for children moving on to school. This provides opportunity for staff and families to celebrate children's achievements.
The manager ensures that additional funding the nursery receives is used effectively to meet individual needs and improve outcomes for children. For example, funding is used to purchase specialist equipment and to enhance children's experiences through organising sessions such as music and movement.Overall, staff promote children's health.
They provide children with nutritious food choices, opportunities for physical play and time for rest and sleep. Staff encourage children to learn hygiene practices, such as handwashing. However, staff do not always implement children's hand hygiene consistently, for example, before babies and young children eat.
Feedback from parent's is in abundance and overwhelmingly positive. They comment that they have absolute trust in the abilities of staff and express their admiration, appreciation and thanks to the team. They feel that children have built wonderful relationships with staff and the manager does everything to make attending nursery as stress free as possible.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to share information from other early years setting's that children also attend to provide a consistent approach to their care and learning strengthen hand hygiene routines for babies and young children to consistently promote healthy lifestyles and prevent the spread of infection.