John Clifford Primary School

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About John Clifford Primary School

Name John Clifford Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.
Headteacher Janine Waring
Address Nether Street, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 2AT
Phone Number 01159258057
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 389
Local Authority Nottinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Teachers set challenging activities in the vast majority of classes and pupils aspire to complete the toughest, 'devilishly difficult' ones. The headteacher and senior leaders provide effective guidance and support for staff teams in the school. Pupils' outcomes have improved substantially in recent years.

By the end of Year 6, pupils make good progress and achieve above-average standards in reading and mathematics. Children in the early years settle quickly into the welcoming environment and make good progress, so that by the end of the Reception Year, a rising proportion of children achieve a good level of development. Pupils are extremely keen ...learners; they embrace responsibilities, feel resoundingly safe and play a very active role in school life.

Attendance is rising and pupils rarely miss an opportunity to show how much they value and care for each other. Leaders promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development exceptionally well. The curriculum offers many opportunities for pupils to develop their views and personal skills and to become highly reflective young citizens.

Governors are an integral part of school life. They visit the school regularly and frequently seek the views of parents, staff and pupils so that they have first-hand information on how the school is improving. It is not yet an outstanding school because : The quality of pupils' handwriting is too variable across all subjects.

Early years staff do not plan activities that make full use of the outdoor space. Sometimes children in the early years are over reliant on adults to support their learning.

Information about this school

This is an above-average-sized primary school and the number of pupils has increased since the previous inspection.

Five new teachers and the deputy headteacher joined the school in September 2015. Most pupils are of White British heritage and speak English as their first language. The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds and those who speak English as an additional language is above average.

The proportion of pupils who are disadvantaged and therefore are eligible to be supported through the pupil premium funding is slightly above average. The pupil premium is additional government funding to support pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and those who are looked after by the local authority. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs or disability is well above the national average.

The early years provision consists of one Nursery and two Reception classes. More pupils than is seen nationally leave and join the school at different times during the year. The schools meets the government's current floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics by the end of Year 6.

Also at this postcode
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