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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are at the heart of this club. The atmosphere in the club is positive and children have a strong sense of belonging. The younger children receive effective support from staff who get to know them well.
This helps children feel safe and secure. Children know the routine extremely well and quickly settle into their chosen activity. For instance, they take turns playing 'Jenga' and choose their favourite pictures to colour.
Children actively use their imaginations when they build boats, using large cardboard boxes. Staff promote curiosity, exploration and imaginative play through activities. Children enjoy a wide ran...ge of role play and bring their fantasies alive.
They suggest how to cut cardboard and it stick it on the box to make the boat's wheel. Furthermore, children dress up and take part in a 'wedding ceremony'. Staff have high expectations for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Children share their views with staff in various ways about what they want to play with at the club. For example, they write a list of resources they would like to purchase. Children behave very well.
They are extremely kind and play effortlessly together.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
There is an established management team in place and together, they accurately evaluate the effectiveness of the club. They continually make positive changes to help meet the needs of all staff and children to improve their daily experiences.
For instance, they collect the views of parents in surveys, to help develop the club even further. In addition, children take part in age-appropriate surveys to find out their views of the club.Children have good opportunities to be creative.
They explore different ways to make three-dimensional models, using clay. Children have very good opportunities to develop friendships and build positive social skills. This is demonstrated as they seek out staff to show off their creations and interact with unfamiliar adults.
Staff are sensitive and offer children reassurance, encouragement and support. Children's emotional well-being is well supported.Staff support children's physical well-being and their understanding of a healthy lifestyle effectively.
Children enjoy fresh air and exercise as they play outside. They have plenty of opportunities to develop their large muscle movements. For example, they play football and skittles.
Children enjoy a vast choice of healthy snacks. Staff provide children with a range of nutritious snacks, such as filled rolls, cucumber and carrots. Children demonstrate good levels of independence as they wash their hands and use tongs to serve their food.
They follow good hygiene practices.Children behave very well and are polite and considerate towards others. Staff spend time listening to children and strongly praise their efforts.
They model good manners throughout the club and children regularly use 'please' and 'thank you' towards staff and each other. Children follow instructions very well. For example, they tidy up promptly ready for a craft activity.
Changes made to arrival and collection procedures, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, parents no longer enter the setting. Parents speak very highly about the club. They state the club is 'amazing' and that the staff are 'very positive and caring'.
Parents report that the club is very accommodating that the staff are always helpful in supporting their child's individual needs.The management team places high importance on keeping children safe. The premises are safe and secure.
The club has its own area within the school. Staff monitor who enters the area well and risks to children are minimised. Staff are careful to check who is present as children move between school and the club at collection times.
The manager ensures that she completes regular fire drills and daily risk assessments to keep children safe.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Children access a safe and secure environment.
Staff are aware of the signs that cause them to have concerns about a child's welfare. They have a good knowledge of child protection policies and procedures. Staff receive regular training to ensure their knowledge remains up to date.
This includes wider safeguarding issues, such as extremism and radicalisation. Robust recruitment procedures are in place to ensure staff are suitable. Staff receive extensive, ongoing induction processes that support them to have a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities.