Koosa Kids Holiday Club At Danetree Primary School, West Ewell
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About Koosa Kids Holiday Club At Danetree Primary School, West Ewell
Koosa Kids Holiday Club At Danetree Primary School, West Ewell
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy, comfortable and content at the club. Staff are extremely welcoming and caring. They help children to settle quickly and develop trusting and encouraging relationships.
Children show confidence to try new things. For instance, children concentrate and listen to staff, as they learn the rules for new games. Children use their imaginations well at the club.
For example, they create 3D pictures with different materials. The younger children receive effective support from staff, who get to know them well. This helps them feel safe and secure.
Children enjoy a variety of physical games and team sport...s. For instance, children participate in running races. They use their imagination as they pretend ride bikes in France.
Staff motivate children to join in and exercise in fresh air and engage them well. Children share and express their views and choices with staff about what they want to play with. Children respect each other's opinions when they play together.
This reinforces their self-confidence and emotional well-being. The manager and staff have high expectations of children's behaviour. They role model good behaviour.
This supports children to show respect and value the views of others. Children are kind to each other and behave well.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
There is a strong leadership team in place and together they accurately evaluate the effectiveness of the club.
They continually make positive changes to help meet the needs of all children and to improve their daily experiences. Parents and children give feedback, and staff encourage children to be involved in making decisions in the club. For example, staff plan group activities following children's interests, they skilfully listen to children's ideas.
This helps children develop their self-esteem.Staff use praise effectively to reinforce children's positive behaviour and positive manners. Children play well together, establish friendships and show respect and kindness to each other.
Staff have clear rules and boundaries in the club. Children confidently relay the rules and understand the reasons why rules are important. For instance, children know what to do if the fire alarm sounds.
This helps children to understand what is expected of them and helps to keep them safe. Staff are deployed well to ensure good levels of supervision and support for all children.Children enjoy spending time with each other.
They join in with games and play cooperatively together. Children enjoy competing against each other and excitedly work in teams during planned sport activities.Staff use their knowledge of what children like and are interested in planning and providing a good range of activities that keep children engaged and involved.
For example, children excitedly run in the outside play area balancing a plastic egg on their spoon. This help children to develop their coordination skills.Staff develop children's hygiene practices and promote well-being.
Children are encouraged to wash their hands before mealtimes and talk about the importance of eating healthily. Mealtimes are sociable occasions where children talk about their interests and home events.Parents speak positively about the club.
Parents use daily conversations to inform staff about their child's individual needs. Parents state that staff are always available to chat and that often their children ask to come back to the club.The leadership team places high importance on keeping children safe.
The premises are safe and secure. Managers and staff risk assess thoroughly to ensure that areas used by children are safe and suitable for their needs. Robust procedures are in place for dropping off and collecting children to ensure their safety.
The leadership team supports new staff members well. Staff receive a thorough induction and quickly become confident in their role. Staff are encouraged in their professional development, and regular supervision helps them to reflect on their own practice.
Staff positively comment on the positive team work at the club and say they feel supported in their work. In addition, staff say their well-being is considered sensitively.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have a good understanding of how to protect children from harm. They know how to identify and report their concerns about children to keep them safe. Staff know how to manage any concerns that arise, such as through keeping records and making referrals to relevant agencies.
Staff attend regular training, as well as meetings, to ensure that their safeguarding knowledge is kept up to date. Staff make sure that the setting is safe and well maintained. The staff recruitment process is robust and staff's suitability is regularly reviewed to check they remain suitable to work with children.