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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children enjoy their time at this welcoming club. They develop secure relationships and are well cared for by the cheerful and motivating staff. They happily approach staff for help or guidance.
This shows that children feel safe and secure.All children, including the youngest, arrive eager to start the day and see what exciting activities are on offer. Leaders plan a wide variety of experiences for children.
This includes having specialist equipment, such as bouncy castles, available as an extra activity. This helps support both their physical and mental well-being. Children behave well.
They are polite to visito...rs, staff and each other. Children of all ages show kindness and consideration. They include others in their play, so no children feel left out.
They are very helpful, such as when they help tidy away the equipment they have used.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and managers are good role models and show strong leadership skills by modelling good practice. The well-organised programme of activities means that sessions run smoothly, and staff are clear about their roles and responsibilities.
Children interact with staff in a relaxed, fun and respectful way. Staff work well as a team and support each other.Staff plan a wide range of sporting activities, including football, dodge ball and combat games.
This helps children build both stamina and coordination. Children have very good opportunities to work as a team, be active, and play outdoors. These activities help children to build on their communication, social, physical and imaginative skills.
Children develop positive relationships with staff and each other as they take part in team activities. Staff manage minor arguments well, they help children to think of others and suggest how to resolve any issues. Staff support children effectively in remembering why they have rules.
These focus on staying safe and having fun. Children listen well to instructions and are eager to join in. Staff sensitively support those who need extra encouragement.
Staff receive regular support and opportunities to complete training to enhance their practice. They work well together and say that the manager values their work. Staff know that their commitment and contribution to working with the children at the club is valued.
Children are keen to participate in creative activities, such as drawing with chalk on the playground and making paper aeroplanes. They spend time colouring and decorating them in the club's colours. Children take great pride in their achievements, such as when they manage to make the paper aeroplane fly.
Children laugh with delight as they race their aeroplanes. Staff join in to celebrate with children and this supports their emotional well-being effectively. However, staff do not prepare some creative activities well.
For example, they have not ensured that children have access to additional resources, such as tape or glue. This can leave children disappointed as they are unable to complete their work to their satisfaction.Staff support children's understanding of making healthy eating choices.
For example, they encourage children to choose a healthy option for snack, from the lunch boxes they bring from home.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are alert to indicators that a child may be at risk of harm.
They know the correct procedures they should follow if they have concerns about a child's safety or welfare. Leaders and managers ensure that all staff receive safeguarding training as part of their induction process. They use effective arrangements to ensure staff are suitable to work with children.
Staff are vigilant about children's safety and security. They have regular discussions with children about how to keep themselves safe, including why they must wear goggles to play with combat games. This helps ensure that their time at the club is enjoyable.