Horndean Technology College

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About Horndean Technology College

Name Horndean Technology College
Website http://www.horndeantc.hants.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Julie Summerfield
Address Barton Cross, Horndean, Waterlooville, PO8 9PQ
Phone Number 02392594325
Phase Secondary
Type Community school
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1283
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are very proud of their school. They recognise and value the way that their education is personalised to them, and the comprehensive support which is available. The atmosphere is calm with strong, positive relationships between pupils and staff.

Pupils behave well. They have consistently positive attitudes to their learning. The few pupils who find this more difficult are supported well by the consistent high expectations and help they receive from staff.

Pupils are diligent and want to do well in their lessons.

Pupils are highly respectful of each other. They feel safe and are happy at school.

Pupils who join the school mid-year feel warmly w...elcomed and integrate quickly into school life. Pupils understand the well developed pastoral systems. They know who to talk to if they have concerns and are sure they will receive any help that they need.

Pupils' contribution to the wider life of the school is strong. 'Student Leaders' are active and feel that their voice is heard. Pupils develop their skills and contribute to their community through events such as the weekly lunch for elderly local residents.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The vision to equip pupils with a broad and comprehensive education is at the heart of the school. Leaders, including governors, work together for the benefit of all pupils. Systems and processes ensure that academic and pastoral teams, and their actions, are integrated.

This provides ambition and inspiration, as well as support for every pupil.

Pupils' education is highly personalised. The school's curriculum is innovative and flexible.

The school recognises that, in the past, it has not always enabled pupils to do as well as they could in their GCSE examinations. However, pupils now study a combination of subjects that match their strengths and interests. While few pupils enter the English Baccalaureate, all pupils have the choice to do so.

A focused and sustained effort to rapidly improve aspects of teaching and learning has successfully raised standards across the school. This results in lessons that make a real impact on what pupils know and can do. Pupils are highly motivated and achieve well in lessons.

Pupils' oracy and reasoning are developed by their contributions to regular discussions. As a result, pupils are articulate and able to express their ideas clearly.

The curriculum precisely identifies what pupils need to learn and when they need to learn it.

Lessons are engaging. However, activity choice in some lessons does not always lead to pupils consistently and systematically learning the planned curriculum. The school recognises this and now uses robust systems to continue to check that teaching is as effective as possible.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) flourish. Those who attend the school's specially resourced provision for pupils with autism (specially resourced provision) are fully integrated into lessons and enrichment activities. Skilled staff identify pupils' needs quickly and with accuracy.

They understand how to adapt lessons and resources for pupils with SEND expertly.

Reading is prioritised. The school's library encourages pupils to explore new texts.

Regular reading checks help to identify pupils who need extra assistance. Those who find reading more difficult are supported through in-class sessions and small-group work.

Staff training is highly effective.

Staff are enabled to become specialists in their role. Pupils value this staff expertise and appreciate the extra help they receive. Staff work collaboratively to identify where there may be concerns about any individual pupils' progress.

As a result, well-informed actions are taken to help pupils remain on track for future success.

The school's provision and offer for pupils' wider personal development is extremely strong. Staff value this aspect of their work and ensure it is integrated into all aspects of school life.

Pupils are confident and think independently about their future options. Careers education takes place in every year group. It is thoughtful and well matched to pupils' needs.

Threaded throughout this curriculum is a focus on encouraging pupils to be highly ambitious. One pupil remarked that 'until I came to the school, I didn't understand how ambitious I could be'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• There are some inconsistencies in the implementation of the curriculum. This means staff do not always make the most of the range of structures which are in place to support aspects of pupils' education. The school should continue to refine how it checks the implementation and impact of the curriculum to ensure this in line with expectations.

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