Core Kids Club All Saints Primary

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About Core Kids Club All Saints Primary

Name Core Kids Club All Saints Primary
Address All Saints (Aided) Primary School, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham, RG40 1UX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wokingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision does not meet requirements The provider has not ensured that they have met all the requirements of their registration. Some staff do not demonstrate effective understanding of the club's policies and procedures.

Additionally, managers have not assured themselves that staff are fully aware of and comprehend their responsibility to keep children safe. On the whole, children are secure and display happiness and enjoyment at the club. They receive a warm welcome when they arrive and engage in the activities that have been prepared for them.

The friendly staff seek the children's views by asking them to fill out self-evaluation forms. This inform...ation helps staff to understand how children are feeling and what activities they would like to do during the session. Children feel valued and have a sense of belonging at the club.

Children demonstrate positive behaviour and benefit from a well-structured routine that is consistent. This helps them to understand what is happening next. Staff talk to children about their school day and explore their interests.

Children enjoy playing games and share positive conversations with their friends and staff in a relaxed atmosphere. However, there are no key-person arrangements in place to support the youngest children. This does not help them to become familiar with their surroundings and ensure their individual needs are tailored to and met.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers have not ensured that all staff members have the required knowledge of what to do in the event of a child welfare concern or allegations against themselves or other professionals. In addition, arrangements to regularly mentor, coach and teach staff are not robust. This does not ensure staff receive the ongoing support they need to fully understand their roles and what is expected of them.

Furthermore, the managers cannot be assured that the training staff receive has been embedded in their knowledge and reflected in their practice.The youngest children are escorted from their classroom and arrive safely at the club. Staff are attentive, caring and reinforce the structure of the session and clearly discuss rules and boundaries.

However, managers have not ensured that the youngest children are assigned a key person as required, to support transitions and build their confidence as they integrate into the club. This does not fully assure their well-being.The club provides a fun, relaxing environment where children can unwind and socialise with friends.

Staff support positive conversations and have created a kind and respectful culture where children develop relationships. For instance, children enjoy participating in archery outdoors. Staff encourage children to give their friends support by chanting their names as they take their turn.

Staff and children delight as they celebrate their achievements when they hit the target. Children feel proud and develop self-belief.Risk assessments are used effectively to ensure children can play and explore in a safe environment.

Staff remind children of dangers and regularly reinforce the appropriate rules and boundaries that are in place. They deploy themselves effectively to ensure children are well supervised at all times. Children understand that the rules in place help to keep them safe.

Children follow good hygiene routines. They listen to what staff tell them and wash their hands after going to the toilet and before they eat their snack. Children are offered a variety of well balanced and nutritious foods, such as cucumbers, blueberries, bananas, and cheese on toast.

They have fresh water available at all times and staff encourage them to drink often. Children enjoy snack time and talk to each other about what their food tastes like. They are developing good friendships and social skills.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date make sure all staff have sufficient training and knowledge to implement the safeguarding policies and procedures effectively 28/02/2025 implement an effective system for the supervision of staff to ensure they receive appropriate support, coaching and professional development opportunities to improve their personal effectiveness 21/02/2025 improve key-person arrangements and provide the youngest children, especially those new to the club, with even greater levels of support to help them settle.


Also at this postcode
Dingley Family & Specialist Early Years Centres (Wokingham Centre) The Club Hub All Saints Church of England Primary School

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