All Saints Church of England Primary School

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About All Saints Church of England Primary School

Name All Saints Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Louise Quinell
Address Norreys Avenue, Wokingham, RG40 1UX
Phone Number 01189787173
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 293
Local Authority Wokingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils love attending All Saints Primary School. It is a warm, welcoming and happy school. One pupil said it is like 'one big, happy family'.

Pupils are well cared for and feel safe. They cannot wait to play with their friends. Pupils model the school values of compassion, courage, community and curiosity through their interactions with one another, and in lessons.

The school has high expectations for pupils to achieve, and most pupils meet these ambitions. Pupils behave well and conduct around the school is calm and orderly. Lessons are engaging, and as a result pupils listen well and work hard in class.

Through the vision, rooted in the school's Christian v...alues, pupils learn to 'let their light shine'. They try hard to rise to the challenges that are set for them.The school provides opportunities for pupils to develop leadership skills, such as being house captains and buddies.

Pupils take pride in these roles and love helping each other in lessons and at playtimes. Pupils learn to be respectful and caring members of the school community. They celebrate difference and love to find out more about other cultures and beliefs.

Pupils keenly share their own experiences with each other.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The provision for early years is exceptional. Children get off to a flying start and quickly learn the routines teachers have established.

Children seamlessly move around the provision and demonstrate high levels of engagement with learning activities. They are expertly supported by highly effective and caring adults who offer well planned and structured learning opportunities. Children learn ambitious vocabulary and use this during different activities.

The teaching of mathematics is a strength. Children count and use numbers daily and use well-designed tasks to explore mathematical concepts such as shape and pattern. Children learn to be resilient, even when they find learning challenging.

Pupils benefit from a well-sequenced curriculum which carefully maps out the important knowledge and skills the school intends them to learn. The school ensures that pupils' language develops through the well-considered approaches to teaching vocabulary. They concentrate well in lessons and enjoy positive attitudes to learning.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive effective support in lessons to access the full curriculum. Staff are quick to identify the needs of pupils with SEND. They make adjustments to the curriculum so that these pupils are supported to access the same learning as their peers.

Staff use their training well to support all pupils in the classroom.

Staff have secure subject knowledge. They check pupils' understanding carefully and use this to inform future teaching.

This supports pupils to remember more of the essential knowledge. For example, in history, pupils develop a broad understanding of the historical periods of time they are studying and can make links to their knowledge of civilisations. In some subjects, where teachers' subject knowledge is developing, pupils' understanding is less secure.

Leaders have prioritised the teaching of reading. Routines are well established in most lessons. Staff are quick to identify the sounds that pupils do not know.

Weaker readers receive rapid support to ensure that they keep up with their peers and learn to read well. Books are carefully matched to the sounds that pupils are learning. Older pupils love to read and enjoy the stories their teachers read to them.

Pupils know how important it is to read for their future prospects, and also for their well-being.Pupils' personal development is well considered. Pupils learn about the importance of keeping healthy and safe.

They learn about different families as well as the value of friendship. Pupils are able to discuss the themes of tolerance and respect. They demonstrate their understanding through warm relationships with staff and each other.

Staff use assemblies as opportunities to reflect on the school values. This enables pupils and staff to celebrate together the many achievements from the week. Pupils love school trips and have a clear understanding of how they have enhanced their learning.

Since the last inspection of the predecessor school, the school, supported by trust leaders, has taken swift action to address weaker areas. Leaders at all levels share the same aspirational vision for pupils in the school. Staff say that their well-being and workload are well considered.

They value the support and guidance leaders offer, and as a result enjoy working at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Staff's subject knowledge in a few subjects is developing.

Consequently, they do not consistently check pupils' understanding carefully enough in these subjects. As a result, some pupils have gaps in their understanding and do not achieve as well as they could in these subjects. The school should continue to equip staff with secure subject expertise and support them to use this knowledge so that pupils achieve consistently highly across the curriculum.

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