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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children excitedly arrive at the club following a busy day in school. They go straight to the areas that they wish to play in.
Staff know the children well. This helps children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to settle quickly and to achieve the best possible play outcomes. Everywhere you look, children engage remarkably well with the abundance of toys and activities on offer.
Their pleasure and energy fill the air. Children focus intently while drawing detailed pictures, such as of cartoon characters. They show excellent small-muscle skills while making models, such as a tree...house, out of small construction blocks.
Children narrate their play, saying that they have 'made a bed for the doll'. They explore the sounds that different musical instruments make. Outdoors, children enjoy playing running games together and practise their ball skills while playing team games.
Children are confident communicators. They enthusiastically spoke with the inspector about what they had been learning in school. Children discussed the activities that they enjoy.
They explained the rules of a tabletop game. Children learn about similarities and differences between themselves and others, such as their appearances, their families, and the festivals that they celebrate. This helps to prepare children for life in modern Britain.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider did not notify Ofsted of a change regarding members of the club's committee. However, this does not have an impact on the safety or well-being of children. Leaders now understand the importance of keeping Ofsted informed.
Leaders' vision is to provide a high-quality and home-like environment where children can 'have fun and feel safe with their friends'. This vision is fully realised in practice and staff, children and parents alike buy in to it. Detailed and comprehensive self-evaluation helps leaders to reflect on the club to promote continual improvement.
Staff plan experiences carefully, so that children can access a variety of activities that complement their learning from school. For example, children practise their writing and counting skills during their play. Staff liaise with class teachers to continue the topics that children are learning, such as winter.
Children eagerly complete their homework and help each other if needed.Staff foster children's love of reading. For example, younger children relish the moments that they sit together and listen to staff read, before discussing what happened in the story.
Older children savour the opportunity to sit with their friends and quietly read their own books.Children play well together and show that they are kind and caring. For example, children make 'friendship chains' and write the names of their best friends on the paper.
Some children are keen to help staff, such as by handing plates out to the other children at snack time.Care practices and hygiene routines are good. Children independently wash their hands before eating.
Staff provide an option of a hot snack, such as buttered toast and warm waffles. Children eat a variety of fruit and drink water. They understand that eating healthily 'makes you big and strong'.
Children know which foods are nutritious, such as carrots and apples.Staff work in a long-serving and close-knit team. They say that they 'love' working at the club and that they feel supported by leaders.
Staff access an effective programme of training and coaching, which helps them to further develop their own practice. For example, leaders share new training with them and 'buddy' staff up, so that they can share best practice.Partnership working is excellent.
All staff work at the host school, which supports children's continuity of care and learning. Staff utilise links with teachers, for example, to help them to best support children with SEND.Parents commend staff for being 'genuinely interested' in their children.
They like the fact that their children can play with their friends and other children of different ages. Parents are reassured that their children are 'very well cared for' and that they feel happy while at the club.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders make sure that the premises are safe and secure. They complete robust recruitment and vetting procedures to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children. Staff receive annual training in safeguarding and leaders check that this knowledge is up to date, such as by asking safeguarding questions at staff meetings.
Staff understand how to keep children safe and protected from harm. They know the local referral procedure to follow in the event of concerns for children's welfare or a colleague's conduct. Staff have a comprehensive understanding of safeguarding issues, for example child-on-child abuse and modern slavery.