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Pupils strive to meet leaders' high expectations of their achievement and behaviour. Pupils aspire to become the 'best people that they can be'.
They glow with pride when they receive badges in recognition of their efforts.
Pupils behave exceptionally well in lessons and at social times. Their conduct helps to create a calm and purposeful atmosphere throughout the school.
Pupils trust staff to deal sensitively with any worries that they may have. If bullying is reported, leaders act quickly and effectively. Pupils feel safe in school.
Pupils achieve highly and make remarkable progress from their starting points. Children in the early years are except...ionally well prepared for key stage 1, while pupils in Year 6 are more than ready for the challenges of the key stage 3 curriculum.
Pupils relish their various roles of responsibility.
These include being a school councillor, prefect or anti-bullying ambassador. Pupils make a highly tangible contribution to school life through these roles.
Pupils are happy in school.
They spoke enthusiastically about the vast array of clubs and opportunities available to them. These help pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to discover and nurture unexplored talents and interests. This contributes strongly to pupils' personal development.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed a rich and engaging curriculum for all pupils, including pupils with SEND. The curriculum matches the ambition of the national curriculum. In some subjects, it goes beyond this.
Leaders are clear about what pupils will learn, from the moment they start in the Nursery Year through to the end of Year 6. They have meticulously identified the key knowledge that they want pupils to know, and by when, in each subject. Pupils are supported to achieve highly as a result.
Subject leaders have considerable subject expertise. They use their know-how to provide staff with curriculum materials of an exceptional quality. In this way, leaders ensure that 'nothing is left to chance'.
Consequently, teachers gain an in-depth knowledge of their class curriculums. They are well equipped to help pupils to develop a rich body of knowledge.
Leaders check that staff deliver the curriculum to a high standard.
They make sure that teachers introduce new learning at exactly the right time. Teachers do this skilfully. They regularly check that pupils remember what they have learned.
In this way, teachers ensure that pupils build on their knowledge successfully. Pupils talk with assurance about what they know already and about their new learning.
Leaders have identified that some children in the early years had fewer opportunities to mix with other children and adults during the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.
This hampered some children's early vocabulary development. Leaders make sure that adults working in the early years engage in high-quality conversation with children as they learn and play. Children's vocabulary quickly expands as a result.
They are ready to learn to read as soon as they enter the Reception Year.
Leaders place teaching pupils to read at the heart of the curriculum. Leaders ensure that all staff know how to deliver the phonics curriculum to a high standard.
Staff make sure that the books that pupils read are carefully matched to the sounds that they know. This helps pupils to gain the phonic knowledge that they need to be successful readers. Pupils who fall behind are identified swiftly.
They are given prompt help by highly trained staff and catch up quickly.
Teachers across the school readily promote a love of reading. Pupils enjoy opportunities to attend 'secret' book clubs.
They make full use of class libraries crammed with inspiring books. Older pupils discuss their reading preferences with zeal. They are confident and competent readers.
This helps pupils to access the full curriculum and contributes to their strong achievement across all subjects.
Leaders ensure that staff know how to identify pupils with SEND. This starts in the early years, where children with SEND are quickly identified.
Pupils with SEND learn alongside their classmates. Pupils who need extra help benefit from well-tailored support programmes. This includes therapeutic support to improve their emotional well-being.
This helps pupils with SEND to achieve as well as they should.
Leaders and staff support children in the early years to quickly develop strong learning behaviours. Pupils across the school build on this positive start.
They behave exceptionally well, so that everyone can learn without disruption.
Leaders have made pupils' wider personal development a strength of this school. They make sure that all pupils have as broad and rich an experience as possible.
Pupils learn about diversity among people and families. They understand the changes that will happen to them as they grow up. Pupils know what makes a healthy relationship.
They are well prepared for their future lives.
Staff, including those who are new to teaching, are overwhelmingly positive about the support and consideration that they receive from school leaders. This includes how well leaders manage their workload and well-being.
Governors, who report to trustees, are knowledgeable about the school. They are committed to the success of every pupil, and check on leaders' work robustly to achieve this.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders make sure that staff know how to keep pupils safe. Staff are vigilant. They pass on any concerns that they may have about a pupil's welfare quickly.
Leaders follow up any concerns diligently. They ensure that pupils and their families receive appropriate support. This includes highly personalised support for pupils' emotional health and well-being.
Pupils learn about the risks that they may face as they grow up, including when they are online. They are clear about how to keep safe and about how to react if they ever feel vulnerable. Pupils are confident to speak to trusted adults if they have any worries or concerns.