First Steps Nursery Collegiate Academy Trust

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About First Steps Nursery Collegiate Academy Trust

Name First Steps Nursery Collegiate Academy Trust
Ofsted Inspections
Address Shireland Collegiate Academy, Waterloo Road, SMETHWICK, West Midlands, B66 4ND
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sandwell
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and confidently separate from their parents on arrival.

They have established strong bonds with the staff and can express their wants and needs. Staff encourage children to be kind to one another and to demonstrate respectful behaviour. Children receive praise for their contributions and 'high fives' as rewards for participation within a group activity or for an individual achievement.

Children explore a wide range of activities. Babies and toddlers delight in discovering a tray of animals frozen in ice and attempt to free the animals using paint brushes and warm water. Older children work together t...o problem-solve when completing puzzles.

Children have access to a large inviting garden area that is resourced well and supports the development of large and small physical skills. For example, bikes and scooters are available, and a natural digging and discovery area that contains plastic dinosaurs is planted with lavender to stimulate the children's senses. Children chase bubbles in the wind with great excitement.

Staff support this activity by singing songs as the bubbles are floating in the sky and encourage the children to join in.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff deliver an ambitious curriculum that is adapted to meet the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Although learning is provided across all areas of the curriculum, staff do not provide enough opportunities to help children enhance their understanding of mathematics.

Children have access to a wide range of mark-making materials that help them to develop early writing skills. For example, they manipulate play dough with encouragement from staff through the delivery of dough disco songs. Children follow the instructions in the songs and exercise the muscles in their hands.

This helps them to develop the strength required when holding a pencil to form marks to which they can give meaning.Staff ensure that all children are exposed to a language-rich environment to support communication needs. Children access inviting and stimulating book areas that contain props to support story telling.

Younger children take part in 'What's in the box?' singing activity as they select a toy that represents a song. Children and staff use varied actions to support children's understanding of spoken language.Staff teach children about environmental issues.

For example, the older children enjoy taking part in an activity where they sort through and remove plastic waste from a water tray containing toy animals. The staff talk to the children about the importance of recycling and the positive impact this can have on the planet and all living creatures.Staff work hard to help children establish healthy habits.

Children are encouraged to select from a healthy snack bar twice a day and are provided with picture prompts when handwashing or brushing teeth. Staff talk to the children about the choices they make and what the benefits of these healthy choices are.Staff help children to be prepared for school by establishing routines that support independence.

Children collect their own coats, hats and scarves when going out into the garden. Staff demonstrate how to fasten zips, buttons and poppers and children are keen to have a go and practise these important skills.Managers and leaders encourage the well-being of staff and parents.

A parent pantry is available in the reception area, which is regularly stocked with food, toys and clothes for families to help themselves to. Staff are also provided with an area where they can access well-being baskets that contain sanitary products and healthy snacks.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Managers have effective procedures in place to ensure that children are safeguarded. This includes safer recruitment processes with thorough induction procedures that ensure individuals working with children are safe to do so. Records are in place and the continued suitability of employees is checked as appropriate.

Staff complete effective risk assessments and take steps to keep children safe when at nursery. Staff receive regular supervisions and are given plenty of opportunities to share any safeguarding concerns. Staff pay particular attention to children's attendance.

They record any absences in line with the setting's policies and procedures and make well-being calls when necessary. Staff receive effective training and demonstrate a good understanding of reporting any concerns about a child's welfare or the behaviour of a colleague.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: make the most of opportunities for children to explore maths in the environment and enhance their emerging mathematical understanding.

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