Shireland Technology Primary

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About Shireland Technology Primary

Name Shireland Technology Primary
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Andrew Collins
Address Waterloo Road, Smethwick, B66 4ND
Phone Number 01215658812
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 286
Local Authority Sandwell
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are rightly proud to attend Shireland Technology Primary. It provides an exceptional education for all pupils.

This is because leaders have successfully based the curriculum on the school's vision: 'bright futures for creative minds'. As a result, pupils are happy, feel safe and achieve very well.

Staff fill lessons with captivating experiences.

They use exciting resources that fire pupils' imaginations and promote excellence. These include videos which help pupils recall their lessons. Pupils record their learning on digital devices, as well as in books.

The immersive room provides unique opportunities for pupils to 'visit' places around the and from history. For example, pupils explored inside a pyramid and visited London without leaving their school.

Pupils' behaviour is impeccable.

They are polite and look after one another. Pupils from different backgrounds work and play happily together.

The school's aspirations for what pupils can achieve are extremely high.

Pupils successfully meet these expectations. They make the most of the school's excellent curriculum and the impressively wide range of experiences the school provides. This includes drama and opera workshops with professional performers.

Pupils also love the enrichment programme. This offers exceptional opportunities in technology, sports, art and music.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is of an exceptional quality.

Leaders have deliberately planned the curriculum in great detail. They have based it on the 'three E's': excite, explore, excel. It excites pupils so they learn a rich body of knowledge and gain a wide vocabulary.

Leaders have carefully planned the order in which pupils explore each subject. As a result, teachers know exactly what to teach and when. Pupils excel because they gain knowledge, develop skills and deepen their understanding.

Pupils make strong connections between new and earlier learning. This helps pupils to develop their insight. For example, when considering the impact of people on the planet, pupils looked at how altitude affects the human body.

They know that this might cause explorers to leave equipment behind, for example when climbing Mount Everest.

Lessons are adapted very well to make sure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who speak English as an additional language learn the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. The school makes sure that pupils receive support that is carefully matched to their individual needs.

The school uses technology exceptionally well to support pupils' learning. For example, children in a Reception class used a digital tablet to review their journey to school before drawing their own maps.Reading is a high priority.

Children begin to learn to read as soon as they start school. Highly-skilled staff teach phonics every day, so pupils build their phonics skills and knowledge well. Daily 'learning surgeries' mean that any pupil who needs extra help receives it straight away.

When children begin to read, the school carefully matches children's books to the letter sounds they know. Pupils love reading. There are exciting and engaging books in every room.

Pupils enjoy a wide range of fiction, poetry and information books. They look forward to the daily 'story escape' when adults read to them.

The school goes beyond the expected to develop pupils' character.

The curriculum enables pupils to reflect on moral and social issues, for example in geography and history. They consider their own and other people's values and beliefs. They learn to cooperate, share and help others.

Pupils' well-being is exceptionally well promoted in the calm atmosphere of the creative room. These experiences help to develop the qualities pupils need to flourish in society.

The 'my cultural journey' initiative promotes pupils' personal development exceptionally well.

It gives pupils the chance to learn new skills, such as stargazing and first aid. It helps to broaden pupils' horizons, for example by going to a ballet performance and trying kayaking. These experiences help to foster pupils' talents and interests for future life.

Staff are proud to work at Shireland Technology Primary. They feel valued and very well supported. They appreciate the steps leaders take to help them manage their workload and the high-quality training they receive.

Trustees, governors and school leaders have worked tirelessly to create an outstanding education for all Shireland pupils. They have achieved this. Trustees and governors check the impact of actions leaders take and hold them to account well.

They visit the school regularly to check that the school's systems are effective. They, together with school leaders and staff, are not complacent and continue to look for ways to make the school even better.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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