Fordingbridge Kidz Club

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About Fordingbridge Kidz Club

Name Fordingbridge Kidz Club
Address Fordingbridge Junior School, Pennys Lane, FORDINGBRIDGE, Hampshire, SP6 1HJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements The caring staff warmly welcome children as they collect them from school. They complete the register and encourage the children to count how many are present and they join in excitedly. Children show they are familiar with the routine.

They ask if they can open the door and gate for the short distance to the after-school club building. Children safely transition, commenting on the wind chimes in the trees. The manager explains that these are a memorial to a former pupil.

Children chat freely with each other as they walk along.When children arrive, they immediately choose from the range of activities on offer. This include...s lots of opportunities to develop their imagination.

Children play with the vehicles and the car mat, lining them up and playing together, moving the transport around.Children have access to an enclosed garden area and venture onto the fields and woodland when the weather is good. They take part in a variety of activities outside to develop their physical skills.

Children choose games such as 'Tag, Stuck in the mud' and 'What's the time Mr Wolf?' They have fun and run around energetically.Staff have high expectations for children. This helps to develop children's social skills and confidence.

Children form good relationships with the staff. Consequently, they show good behaviour and attitudes, sharing the toys and equipment.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager provides good leadership.

Staff report their well-being is good and they receive effective supervision. As a result, they access additional training to increase their knowledge and skills. Staff complete various courses such as 'An Introduction to the Early Years Foundation Stage' and food hygiene training.

This helps them to fulfil their roles well.Staff plan interesting and varied activities that the children enjoy. For example, children can access quiet activities inside, such as drawing and imaginative play in the specific areas.

Staff encourage older children's creativity. As a result, these children enjoy writing a play for everyone to take part in. Younger children enjoy playing with the old keyboards and pretend to talk on the phones staff have set up for them.

This helps to develop their creative skills.Children say they love everything. They comment that they like colouring and playing card games.

They enjoy taking part in activities with the staff, such as pom-pom making, and concentrate as they thread the wool around and around. They proudly show off their finished creations and spin them around in the air.Staff support children's understanding of being healthy well.

Children manage their personal hygiene effectively. They understand the importance of handwashing before snack and after using the toilet. Staff provide healthy and nutritious snacks.

They use snack time as an opportunity to further promote independence. For example, staff appoint two children to organise snack. It is their responsibility to call the children in year groups to come and access the food.

Children then spread their own bread or crackers. Older children are kind and help younger children. Children know the routine well.

Parents are complimentary about the club and say that the manager is 'brilliant'. They say staff genuinely care about their children and 'look out for them'. Parents comment that their children enjoy spending extra time with their friends and are always excited to come to the club.

All required documentation is readily available. This helps to ensure staff meet the needs of all children. It also demonstrates effective management of the provision.

The manager has procedures in place to keep children safe. The premises and site are secure to ensure no one who is not authorised is able to gain access. Staff record any accidents children have had at home.

This helps to ensure the provider meets requirements.Staff form good relationships with the school staff on site. They liaise when they collect the children and report any concerns.

This helps to assure children's welfare.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Fordingbridge Junior School Fordingbridge Infant School Fordingbridge Playscheme

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