Fordingbridge Junior School

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About Fordingbridge Junior School

Name Fordingbridge Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Kim Robertson
Address Pennys Lane, Fordingbridge, SP6 1HJ
Phone Number 01425652285
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 205
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school's values of kindness, honesty, respect, responsibility and effort are woven into every part of school life. Pupils are taught the life skills needed to succeed in modern Britain.

Pupils understand the meaning of respect and tolerance and say that everyone is welcome. One pupil said that all types of different families are welcome at this school.

Parents are extremely supportive of the school.

They value how much the school not just supports pupils but the whole family. Pupils feel safe and happy at school and enjoy their learning. There are warm and positive relationships between staff and pupils.

As a result, pupils know who to go to if t...hey are worried or have a concern. Bullying is rare. Pupils know it is not tolerated and if it did happen, would be dealt with swiftly.

Leaders have high expectations for all pupils. They want to nurture the whole child and give them the tools needed to be successful individuals. Pupils understand the learning behaviours explicitly.

Everyone is included and involved in this school. Pupils behave extremely well in lessons and are focused on their work. Pupils said that lessons were engaging and fun.

This could be seen in the contribution to and high level of involvement in lessons.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are highly ambitious and focused on creating a curriculum that is broad and rich. The curriculum has been mapped out and identifies the key content pupils will learn.

Each subject is underpinned by a golden thread that weaves through the curriculum. Leaders ensure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are able to access the curriculum. Staff are skilled in adapting the curriculum for pupils with SEND and are quick to identify pupils who need additional support with their learning.

In some subjects, such as religious education (RE) and geography, the key knowledge is not yet clearly remembered and embedded.

Reading is a high priority for all staff in this school. It is central to everything staff do.

Leaders are driven to ensure that every child can read to the best of their ability. The recent introduction of a phonics scheme into the junior school is already well embedded and used to support pupils to catch up. Leaders track with rigour the outcomes of pupils' reading journeys and take the appropriate steps to intervene if needed.

Pupils love reading and have access to a wide range of books from different genres. Books are appropriately matched to the sounds pupils know and their stage of reading.

Leaders and staff know every pupil in this school exceptionally well.

Staff feel this empowers them to be able to support individual pupils' needs and behaviour challenges. The behaviour of pupils is calm and orderly. If a pupil shows signs of dysregulation, staff and leaders manage this exceptionally well and with confidence.

Pupils are highly responsive to school systems and know the consequences that would be in place for them. Leaders are quick to record information and look at any trends and additional support strategies that may be needed for pupils. Leaders ensure that pupils can remain in class and be successful in all they do.

Pupils look out for each other and care for one another deeply.

Pupils' personal development is exceptional at this school. Leaders are driven to ensure that the curriculum effectively promotes pupils' character development.

Pupils clearly know what they need to take in their 'Suitcase of Life' to be successful. Pupils have access to a broad personal, social and health curriculum which enables pupils to understand a range of concepts such as fundamental British values and relationships. Leaders provide a wide range of opportunities for pupils to develop their own leadership skills.

This is done through school councils, subject ambassadors and prefects. Pupils are enthused by the opportunities to take part in a range of sporting activities and competitions. Leaders ensure that all pupils have access to the full range of opportunities on offer.

The school is extremely well led and managed, and leaders are passionate about ensuring that pupils strive to reach their full potential. Staff are overwhelmingly proud of their school and feel well supported by leaders. Well-being of staff is a priority, and leaders ensure there is well-structured training and development available.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders make sure that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. They ensure all staff receive the necessary training to be able to support pupils who may need it.

Leaders are quick to seek support and keep robust and detailed notes of any concerns. All staff know how to report concerns they may have. Governors assure themselves that safeguarding is effective.

Pupils have a wide knowledge of keeping themselves safe online, including not sharing personal details with people they do not know. Pupils also learn about stranger danger and how to keep themselves safe outside of school. Safeguarding is threaded through the curriculum pupils study.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, the curriculum does not ensure that pupils develop subject-specific knowledge deeply over time. As a result, pupils do not build their knowledge of key concepts equally well across all subjects. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum enables pupils to gain deep, cumulative knowledge in all subjects.

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