Fun 4 Kidz - Churchtown

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About Fun 4 Kidz - Churchtown

Name Fun 4 Kidz - Churchtown
Address Churchtown Primary School, St Cuthberts Road, Southport, PR9 7NN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sefton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enter the club and are eager for the day ahead.

They confidently leave their parents at the door and greet staff happily. Children have a wonderful and enjoyable time at this club. They independently choose what they would like to play with.

The enthusiastic staff team provide a wide range of interesting activities and games. The youngest children show great independence as they select what they would like to eat from the healthy snack options and carefully carry their tray to the table. Children delight in showing their creative skills as they use their imagination to make their own unique artwork.

They ...involve the staff team in their play, be that getting them to join in making insects with dough, building structures with blocks or being involved in exciting games of cards. Children are familiar with the routines of the setting. They listen to staff and ensure they keep themselves and others safe in their play.

Staff give children plenty of warning when they need to tidy up or when an activity is coming to an end. Children behave extremely well and are very polite. All children at the club are very considerate of each other and show consistently good manners.

Older children act as good role models and demonstrate nurturing attitudes as they involve younger children in their play. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the host school no longer allows parents to enter the building. The provider has worked hard to ensure parents feel valued.

They display photos of staff and information about activities on the outside door. This helps parents to feel involved in their children's care.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The close working relationship between the club and the host school is extremely strong.

Leaders and staff at the club and school act as a single team, working to meet the individual needs of all children and families. This means that staff at the club know the children particularly well and build positive and supportive relationships with them. As a result, children and families, who may need some help, receive swift support that helps improve their circumstances.

Staff at the club provide children with activities on games consoles, but ensure that this screen time is limited. Children have a set time period to use computers and understand the clear club rules on time-restricted use. The use of games consoles is closely supervised and rigorous arrangements are in place to ensure children can only access appropriate content.

This helps to keep children safe.Children access a wide range of activities that appeal to their interests. Children laugh as they dress up in a variety of costumes and engage in role play.

They engage in physical activities; they cheer as they knock down skittles with a ball. Staff play the guitar and children delight as they sing along to familiar songs. These experiences allow children to develop their individual talents and skills.

Children learn about cultures of the world. They have food tasting sessions to coincide with cultural festivals. For example, children explain how they enjoyed afternoon tea to celebrate the Queen's jubilee.

Staff provide opportunities for children to learn about those who help them in society. These activities help children prepare for life in modern Britain.Staff receive excellent support from the leadership team.

Leaders provide clear feedback of how staff can improve their practice. All staff members attend staff meetings and supervision meetings. Staff explain how their individual development targets are supported in a supportive manner, and that training they complete helps enhance their own knowledge and skill level.

Leaders provide training sessions for staff. This supports their professional development.Staff help children to develop their social skills.

If children are a little 'worried', staff are extremely caring and talk to them about their feelings, supporting them to feel secure. For example, they engage children in small-group activities and support less confident children to ask others if they can join in with activities. This helps children to grow in confidence as they begin to express their emotions and feelings fluently.

Staff seek the views of children and parents through questionnaires. This allows managers to review the quality of the service they provide. Parents recently expressed that they would like to enter the club.

This is not currently possible on a daily basis due to the host school's procedures. However, leaders have planned opportunities for parents to come in to the club and join children for snack. Parents feel valued as their views are acted on.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff recognise their safeguarding responsibilities. They demonstrate that they have a firm understanding of what to do if they have a concern about a child's welfare.

Leaders and staff carry out risk assessments and ensure that effective procedures are in place to keep the premises secure. They ensure that safe recruitment and vetting procedures are in place to check the suitability of all staff. As a result, children are kept safe.

Also at this postcode
Churchtown Primary School St Cuthberts Pre-School Playgroup

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