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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are greeted by the manager when they arrive at the setting. The children have strong emotional attachments to their key person. Children demonstrate they feel safe and secure and are familiar with the well-organised daily routines.
For example, the children self-register, select their lunch of choice and confidently join their peers in play. Children freely access enjoyable and valuable learning experiences that are carefully planned for their individual needs. Staff have a good understanding of child development and support all children, including those who speak English as an additional language and those with specia...l educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Children demonstrate a passion for books and stories. They sit comfortably on cushions and share books with their key person with sustained concentration. Children remember well what they have been taught.
For example, they remember characters and phrases in their favourite books. Supporting children's well-being is of high priority at this setting. Children show respect and kindness towards each other as they take turns and share resources.
Staff are good role models that encourage and praise children's efforts. As a result, children have a positive attitude to learning and behave well.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and management have a very good knowledge and understanding of what they want children to learn and achieve.
They monitor and coach staff performance, which has a direct impact on the quality of teaching. Staff build on what children already know and plan exciting experiences for them. As a result, children make progress from their starting points.
Children develop a love for books and help themselves to a wide range on offer. Staff read to children and use props to bring stories to life. Staff model language well and introduce new vocabulary to children, checking their understanding before moving on.
For example, small groups of children benefit from daily language and listening activities.Parents speak positively about the experiences their children have here. They feel children are safe and well looked after by the staff.
Parents receive regular information on their children's progress. They are encouraged to be involved in their children's learning. For instance, parents attend stay-and-play sessions and parents' evenings.
Children learn and adopt healthy lifestyles. Children know that to keep their own teeth healthy, they need to brush them daily. Children share their personal experiences of visiting the dentist and talk about sitting in the 'swivelling chair'.
Consequently, children build on their knowledge and sense of the world they live in.Children's mathematical development is progressing very well. The setting is rich in numbers, shapes and mathematical opportunities.
For example, children build a marble run and count how long it takes for the marble to get to the bottom. Older children playfully count their steps as they walk between activities. As a result, children develop positive attitudes and interest in mathematics.
Children's behaviour is very good, overall. Staff have high expectations of children, and they are reminded to be kind to each other. The routine is carefully planned, enabling children to have time to get immersed in their learning without interruption.
This supports children to test out new ideas and complete tasks.Staff provide a variety of experiences to support children's small physical skills in readiness for early writing. For example, children use their hands to squeeze juice out of oranges, limes and lemons, stimulating their senses while they explore the fruit.
The older children strengthen their hands and finger muscles by rolling and manipulating play dough.Children have ample opportunities to explore the outdoors and play in the fresh air. However, staff do not ensure children who choose to spend most of their time outdoors have as wide a range of learning opportunities as those children who choose to spend more time indoors.
Staff encourage children to develop their self-help skills linked to personal hygiene, such as blowing their nose. Occasionally, staff do not utilise learning opportunities in daily routines that further support children's independence. For example, children rely on staff to clear up after mealtimes and pour drinks for them.
The special educational needs coordinator uses her good knowledge and experience to identify children who need extra support. She links well with parents and other agencies to ensure each child can reach their potential. Staff who care for children with SEND are given good guidance.
They use specific teaching strategies, such as picture communication cards, to aid children's progress.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff understand their responsibility to keep children safe and protect their welfare.
They are aware of the possible signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm. Staff are confident in reporting any concerns that may arise, including when allegations are made against themselves and colleagues. During the session, staff deploy themselves effectively to ensure they supervise children well.
All staff maintain their first-aid qualification and keep accurate records of accidents that children have. The setting follows safer recruitment practices to ensure the staff who directly work with the children are suitable to do so.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nextend the opportunities for children to practise their developing independence skills nevaluate the outdoor environment to create similar exciting opportunities for those children that prefer to spend most of their time outside.