Bassett Green Primary School

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About Bassett Green Primary School

Name Bassett Green Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Benjamin Bond
Address Honeysuckle Road, Bassett, Southampton, SO16 3BZ
Phone Number 02380676262
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 481
Local Authority Southampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils live and breathe the Bassett Green motto of 'be brave, be brilliant, be our best'.

They beam with pride when they talk about their school. Since the previous inspection, teachers have expected a lot more of pupils. They have risen to the challenge.

Pupils behave well in school and are polite and respectful towards each other. One group of pupils told us that behaviour is now 'eight or nine out of 10'. Others explained that they can concentrate in lessons without distractions.

Pupils feel safe because their classmates are calm and kind. Pupils trust that when they report problems such as bullying staff will take this seriously, protect and help them..../>
Pupils love the curriculum because it teaches them interesting things they did not know before.

As pupils know more, they think about and discuss new knowledge more confidently. Pupils feel proud of this and enjoyed telling inspectors about the topics they have studied. Pupils feel well prepared for their next steps in education.

They learn about friendships, mental health and personal safety. One Year 6 pupil told us she was 'pumped' for secondary school because of the support she has received.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have rewritten the curriculum to reflect their high ambitions for all pupils.

Teachers build pupils' knowledge gradually, making links with what they already know. For example, children in Reception learn about plants by sowing and tending to their vegetable patch. In Year 2, pupils use this experience and knowledge to help them to classify plants.

Nevertheless, leaders plan to make further improvements to the curriculum in some subjects, such as art and music, and to strengthen links between learning in the early years and key stage 1.

Leaders have identified the most important knowledge that pupils need to know at each stage. However, they have not fully developed strategies for checking that pupils have remembered key knowledge in learning beyond reading, writing and mathematics.

This means that staff do not always know if pupils are fully prepared to learn new content.

Children are taught to read as soon as they start school in Reception. They learn to recognise and pronounce letters and the sounds they represent.

Staff check children's understanding accurately. They make sure that children practise the sounds they find tricky until they have really grasped them. Children read often at home and enjoy the rewards they receive for this.

Those that need a little extra help also read with their teachers regularly to help them master the basics. The constant focus on reading means that pupils read well. They love reading for pleasure and are taught to think deeply about the books they read.

Pupils learn to be responsible for their actions and respectful towards others. They describe the school as a 'family' and are proud of their own and others' successes. Pupils develop a strong understanding of important concepts such as friendships and consent.

They learn about and understand the consequence of their own actions, rights and responsibilities. 'Big questions' help pupils to think about complex topics such as animal rights and power.

Leaders ensure that pupils who may be struggling are assessed accurately to identify barriers to their learning or development.

Staff are well trained to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) effectively. Leaders and staff write plans for individual pupils with SEND that reflect their strengths and interests as well as addressing their needs. This approach has been particularly helpful in supporting pupils with social, emotional or mental health needs.

Staff support these pupils to manage their feelings and to stay calm when things get hard. The attendance of pupils with SEND, however, remains too low. This prevents these pupils from benefiting fully from the support that is available to them.

Leaders expect all pupils to behave and work as hard as they can. Staff monitor behaviour carefully, which helps them to notice and address the small things before they get out of hand. Pupils appreciate the praise they receive and try their best.

They enjoy the rewards of postcards sent home and the chance to cash in their house points at the school shop. Incidents of poor behaviour have reduced significantly.

Leaders and governors have reviewed and improved their ways of working.

They know the school well because reports and the reviews they conduct are accurate and focused. This helps leaders to identify their key priorities and governors to check on leaders' work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff receive extensive safeguarding training and use this well. They keep a close eye on the welfare of pupils and families and report any concerns to leaders quickly and sensitively. Leaders use this information to guide their work with families and external agencies.

They make sure pupils are safe and support families when they need it. Pupils, including those who speak English as an additional language, learn how to stay safe in school and in the local area. Pupils know how to seek help and advice from staff and do so because they trust the adults in school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• With the exception of reading, writing and mathematics, the strategies that staff use to check pupils have learned the curriculum are not fully developed. This means that pupils sometimes move on to new tasks before they have the knowledge they need to understand these. Leaders should ensure that staff know how and what to assess before pupils move on to new learning.

The attendance of pupils with SEND is too low. This means that these pupils miss too many lessons and interventions that support their learning and development. Leaders should improve the attendance of this group of pupils.

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