Kids in Bloom Out Of School Club Limited

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About Kids in Bloom Out Of School Club Limited

Name Kids in Bloom Out Of School Club Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address Malvern Primary School, Willoughby Road, Broadgreen, LIVERPOOL, L14 6XA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Knowsley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff build good relationships with children. They know children well and give children the reassurance they need. For example, when they help children with things they need support with, they explain that everybody needs help sometimes.

Children are happy and confident in their interactions with staff, and they have positive attitudes towards their learning. Staff give children clear explanations about what they are doing and what is going to happen next. They are good role models and clearly tell children what is expected from them.

Children understand the rules and behave well.Children with special educational needs... and/or disabilities (SEND) are offered good support. Staff provide individualised care and education.

They help children to achieve personalised targets. This enables children to achieve good outcomes. Staff understand children's existing life experiences and plan a curriculum that provides children with a broad range of experiences that build on their existing knowledge.

Children go to the museum and to visit the ducks. They learn sign language and experience playing in the snow. This helps children to develop their understanding of the world in which they live, and they are well prepared for their next stages in learning.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff plan and deliver an effective curriculum that enhances children's communication and language skills. They use single words with babies and more descriptive language with older children. They undertake a specialised assessment that focuses carefully on what children know and can do in relation to their communication and language skills.

They use this assessment to focus on the areas where children need support. Children use language to explain their ideas and thinking. All children, including children who speak English as an additional language, are making good progress with understanding, listening and speaking.

Staff implement a good educational programme to enhance children's physical skills. Children have real food in the pretend home corner area, and they practise using knives, with support, to chop up the food. This helps them to be skilful in using tools.

Staff build relationships with parents. They give parents activity ideas to continue at home. However, they do not always make clear how the activities may be used to support and extend children's learning further.

This means that some parents lack clear information about how they can contribute effectively to their child's learning.Staff provide a range of experiences to support children to develop their personal, social and emotional skills. For instance, during activities, staff encourage children to take turns, listen to each other and be respectful to their friends.

Children are emotionally secure and sociable.Staff encourage children to engage in opportunities that help them practice healthy lifestyles. Children brush their teeth independently at nursery.

Children are learning about good oral health.Overall, staff deliver the curriculum by focusing on supporting children's next steps in learning. However, sometimes staff are not highly focused on the knowledge and skills they want children to learn from the activities they engage in.

On these occasions, some children lose interest and they do not fully benefit from the intended learning.Leaders have implemented an effective system of support for staff. They buddy up less-experienced staff with knowledgeable leaders so that all staff can learn and develop.

Leaders observe staff in their interactions with children and encourage staff to access training. This helps staff to continue to offer a good service to children and their families.Staff support children to solve problems.

They encourage children to predict whether items will float or sink when they place them in water. Children also work out what happens to the numbers of items if they take objects away. Children are able to think critically.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nextend partnerships with parents to improve information shared about children's individual stages of learning and development and support parents to continue their child's learning at home support staff to be highly focused on what they want children to learn when implementing the curriculum.

Also at this postcode
Malvern Primary School Swanside family support

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