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This is a good school. Outstanding care, guidance and support for pupils are at the heart of the school's character.
Pupils thrive in the individual attention to their academic and personal needs because of the exceptionally clear-sighted vision of leaders that is shared by all staff. A very well-planned curriculum successfully helps to raise pupils' attainment because it is sharply focused on extending pupils' knowledge and improving basic skills. At the same time it makes learning very enjoyable.
Pupils are very proud of themselves and their school. They demonstrate this by taking on a wide range of responsibilities and contributing to the life of the local community with relish. Pupils' em...otional development and learning are supported exceptionally well as a result of outstanding partnerships with outside agencies such as specialist educational needs services, the local authority and international schools.
Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, make good progress and their attainment is broadly average by the time they leave school at the end of Year 6. The most vulnerable pupils successfully overcome barriers to their learning and make outstanding progress. Challenging targets and high expectations of pupils' capabilities are non-negotiable elements in this rapidly improving school.
Standards in writing, however, are below average; pupils' spelling, punctuation, grammar and composition are weaker than their reading skills, particularly for boys. The school has accurately identified this as a priority for improvement. Good quality teaching is reflected in positive relationships.
Lesson planning is mostly carefully planned to raise pupils' attainment, especially in writing. Occasionally, this is not challenging enough, especially in Key Stage 1. Opportunities are missed, for instance, to engage and challenge each pupil according to their interests and capabilities and to develop pupils' speaking and listening skills to support their writing.
Leaders and managers have an excellent understanding of their school; they know what the strengths are as well as what they need to do to improve the school's performance. The school has raised pupils' attainment since the last inspection as a result of improving the quality of teaching, the curriculum and pupils' learning and progress. Consequently, the school's capacity to sustain improvement is good.
Information about the school
The school is a larger-than- average primary school. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is below average. The number of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities is average.
The vast majority of pupils are from White British backgrounds. The school has gained the International Schools Award, Artsmark Gold and the Activemark for its sports provision. The governing body manages extended provision in a daily breakfast club.