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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements When children arrive at the setting, they are eager to engage with activities. Staff know children very well.
As well as working in the club, staff also work in the host school during the day. This provides children with continuity. Children say they thoroughly enjoy the time they spend at the club.
They are relaxed and settled, enabling them to form positive friendships. For example, staff support children to build with construction materials together and negotiate what they build.Staff model good behaviour for children using manners.
They respond promptly and positively to requests from children for help or supp...ort. Children's behaviour reflects the care and respect they receive from staff. Children listen carefully to staff when asked to follow instructions or help tidy the setting.
Children and staff show real pride in the setting. Staff are passionate about working with children. They work well as a team and the space is well organised.
Children have free access to a large outdoor area and sports hall. Children fully immerse themselves in what the club has to offer and show high levels of engagement and enjoyment. For instance, children spend long periods concentrating as they persevere in making festive characters using scissors and split pins.
They independently select the resources and talk to staff about what they are doing. Children take pride in their creations, showing them off to their parents.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The management and staff team have a shared commitment to provide a quality service for the children and their families.
The staff are open to suggestions from children and parents on ways to improve the club. Staff work as a cohesive team and have a very good understanding of their responsibilities to keep children safe and secure.Staff work well with parents and teachers from the host school when there may be a concern.
Staff act in a timely way to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. For example, they adapt the environment and resources to ensure these are inclusive.Younger children benefit from a robust key-person system that helps them gain a sense-of-security and develop their confidence.
For example, children eagerly make up their own games as they role play with dolls and play chase games in the playground. Older children help their younger peers to carefully cut out shapes and write their names.Children demonstrate high levels of perseverance.
For instance, they work as a team to complete a very large puzzle of the world. Children remain focused as they meticulously colour in festive characters. They show very positive attitudes towards their work.
Staff support children, where needed. In addition, they are equally skilled at enabling children to explore their own ideas and make their own decisions.Staff promote healthy lifestyles for children in the club.
For example, children are reminded to wash their hands before eating their snacks. Children make independent choices about the foods they eat. Staff enable this well as children choose pictures of various snacks to have at snack time and learn which foods are healthy and unhealthy.
Children frequently enjoy playing team games, like football, in the school playground. They learn the importance of being healthy and active.Parents speak very highly about the club.
They express how happy they are with the staff in the club and the activities on offer. They say that their younger children benefit from a robust key-person system that helps them gain a sense of security and develop their confidence. Parents say that their children enjoy attending so much that they ask to stay later or want to attend on days they would not normally do so.
The providers and staff continually strive to make improvements to the provision so that they meet and exceed the needs of children and families. Staff say that they feel well supported and valued as part of the team. Their professional development is well considered by the providers.
Training is regular and builds on their knowledge and skills. This is reflected in their clear enjoyment of their roles and engagement with children.Staff have high expectations of what all children can achieve.
They involve children in activity planning and are always on hand to join and extend children's play. Children and staff treat each other, the environment and resources with respect. Staff work hard to help all children learn to understand and manage their emotions.
Consequently, children's behaviour and attitudes towards their play are very positive.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.