Harmans Water Primary School

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About Harmans Water Primary School

Name Harmans Water Primary School
Website http://www.harmanswater.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Headteacher Matthew Irving
Address Wellington Drive, Harmans Water, Bracknell, RG12 9NE
Phone Number 01344422196
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 476
Local Authority Bracknell Forest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Harmans Water is a friendly and welcoming place. Pupils feel safe and well-cared-for.

They are proud ambassadors for their school. Pupils develop a deep appreciation of different faiths, cultures and communities. There is an inclusive ethos that shines through.

One pupil commented, 'It's not what's on the outside, but what's on the inside that matters.'

The school's values of 'responsibility, respect, resilience, teamwork, creativity and thoughtfulness' are successfully threaded though all aspects of school life. Pupils relish their 'Steps to Awesomeness' challenges.

These help them to live out the school's values in their day-to-day lives.

...>Overall, pupils behave well. Classrooms are calm and purposeful places.

Pupils work well together and are keen to share their ideas. They enjoy coming to school because learning is fun and interesting.

Pupils told inspectors that bullying is rare.

They trust that staff will help them deal with any worries they have swiftly. Pupils show respect for one another and get on well.

Parents speak highly of the school.

They appreciate the support their children receive. One parent summed up how many feel by saying, 'Teachers go over and above to help our children.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have a sharply focused vision for pupils' success.

The headteacher, staff and governors work very effectively as a team. Leaders have high expectations for staff and pupils. They know their school very well.

They are rightly proud of its many strengths and know what they need to do to make the school even better.

Leaders have designed an exciting curriculum. They have identified the important knowledge and skills pupils should learn and remember in each subject.

Teachers make sure that pupils' learning carefully builds as they move up the school. In art, for example, children in Reception learn how to mix colours, while Year 5 pupils speak knowledgeably about the different brush strokes used by Impressionist artists.

Staff receive high-quality training, which helps them deliver lessons confidently.

Subject leaders are knowledgeable about their areas of responsibility. In many subjects, leaders know how well pupils are achieving across all year groups and make sure the curriculum is adjusted to meet pupils' needs effectively. However, this is not consistent across all subjects in the school's curriculum.

Children get off to a flying start in Nursery and Reception. They are settled and happy. Teachers carefully design activities that spark children's curiosity and interests.

As a result, children become engrossed in learning. Staff skilfully develop children's understanding of the world around them. The well-planned outside areas provide countless opportunities for children to explore their ideas and learn.

Leaders place great importance on ensuring that all pupils learn to read. Staff are well trained in how to deliver the school's phonics programme. Staff quickly identify those pupils who need help to catch up.

Pupils read books that enable them to practise the sounds they have learned in lessons. In all classes, starting in Nursery, teachers read to pupils every day. Pupils look forward to listening to these stories.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are fully included in all aspects of school life. Leaders and staff know these pupils very well. They ensure that they receive effective support to help them learn.

Where appropriate, staff work with external professionals, such as speech and language therapists and other providers. This makes sure pupils get the help they need.

Leaders' commitment to pupils' personal development is exceptional.

Pupils delight in the extensive opportunities on offer. Pupils enjoy a wide range of visits, including to the theatre, the seaside and adventure centres. They consider and debate important aspects of modern life, including environmental and equalities issues.

This also leads to them being involved in practical action, including promoting recycling and purchasing new information and communication technology software to support those with a visual impairment. This helps pupils deepen their understanding of the importance of a fair and inclusive society.

All staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour.

Everyone is clear about the rules. Consequently, pupils behave well throughout the school. They are polite, caring and considerate towards others.

For example, pupils open doors for each other and give visitors a very warm welcome. In lessons, pupils concentrate well and show very positive attitudes towards their learning.

Staff are proud to be part of the school community.

Leaders and governors look after their staff exceptionally well, so staff feel valued. Leaders are careful to ensure that teachers' workload is manageable. Staff appreciate this.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and governors have developed a strong culture of safeguarding in the school. Staff are vigilant in their care for pupils.

The training staff receive helps them to recognise the signs of when pupils are at potential risk. Staff understand how to report any worries they might have about pupils' welfare. Leaders follow up any concerns swiftly.

They work well with other agencies to keep pupils safe. Pupils are confident that staff will listen and support them if they have any worries. They know how to keep themselves safe, including when online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Subject leaders have a clear understanding of how well pupils are achieving across the school in many subjects, including English and mathematics. Consequently, leaders make sure the curriculum is shaped and adapted effectively, so that pupils learn well. Senior leaders and governors should ensure that this is consistent across all subjects.

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