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The Bungalow, Manor Road, Brackley, Northamptonshire, NN13 6EE
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children thrive in this warm and welcoming pre-school.
They are individually greeted by familiar staff who know all of the children well. This supports children to develop a strong sense of security. Staff recognise the uniqueness of each child and skilfully plan experiences to reflect their interests and individual learning needs.
For example, younger children develop the small muscles in their hands as they glue small items to paper. Older children practise cutting with scissors as they explore the Christmas craft table.Leaders have devised a broad curriculum that includes the skills and knowledge they want children ...to achieve.
There is a strong focus on children's communication and language. Staff introduce new themes to promote curiosity and encourage children to ask 'how' and 'why' questions. Staff make good use of quiet rooms to help less-confident children practise their speaking skills in smaller groups.
This helps to boost children's confidence and self-esteem.Staff support children to develop good behaviour and social skills. They successfully help children to understand their emotions and to learn how to negotiate and cooperate with others.
Children learn the pre-school expectations and follow instructions well. For example, before lunch, children happily sit down for group time and enjoy singing aloud to action songs. The good progress children make in their learning and development prepares them well for their future.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff use regular observations and assessments to identify areas where children may require additional support. They work closely with parents and external professionals to create targeted plans that ensure that children receive the help they need. This collaborative approach helps all children to make progress, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
The highly effective key-person system helps to ensure that all children's emotional well-being is supported effectively.Staff generally encourage children's independence. For example, children pour their own drinks at snack time and make choices in their play.
However, at times, staff do things for children that they could do themselves, such as putting on their shoes and coats. This means that children do not always have the opportunity to practise these skills independently.Mathematics is firmly embedded throughout the curriculum.
Children are provided with many opportunities to learn about numbers, measure and shapes. During play, children confidently talk about needing 'one more', as they use a number line to sequence numbers. Consequently, children develop the confidence to use their early mathematical knowledge in their play.
Staff support children's early literacy skills. They read with enthusiasm and use props, which captures children's attention. They talk about the story with children helping them to remember key phrases.
Staff's planning ensures that stories and nursery rhymes are part of play. For example, children play a table-top activity about the three little pigs. Staff understand that children benefit from repetition to help them to remember new learning.
Children gain an abundance of knowledge about the wider world on outings. They develop an understanding of the lives of others through celebrating various festivals throughout the year. Staff also invite people with different occupations into the setting, such as police and fire officers.
This helps children learn about those who help us.Staff support children to lead healthy lifestyles. Staff use mealtimes to talk about healthy choices and provide various fruits and vegetables for snacks.
Children learn to understand that eating well helps them to gain physical strength. Children have daily access to exciting outdoor areas where they can build their stamina and physical strength. For example, older children learn to safely climb trees as younger children negotiate space on tricycles and climb hills to balance.
Parents say how incredibly happy their children are at the setting. They say staff are friendly and approachable, providing time, support and guidance for them and their children. Staff communicate well with parents and support them in building on their children's learning.
For example, they offer resources for parents and children to use at home.The well-established staff team enjoys working in the pre-school and feels supported by the managers and committee. Staff are keen to take up opportunities to attend training and are proud to share how the training has benefited the children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nincrease opportunities for children to complete everyday tasks for themselves.