Little Seedlings at Arncliffe

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About Little Seedlings at Arncliffe

Name Little Seedlings at Arncliffe
Ofsted Inspections
Address Arncliffe Road, Liverpool, L25 9PA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Knowsley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Leaders have created a lively, interesting and welcoming environment in which children can grow and develop. Staff develop positive relationships with children which help them to feel safe and secure. Babies happily go to staff for comfort and reassurances when new people are in the room.

Older children rush into the rooms to greet their friends. Children and babies are confident to explore and engage in their activities. Staff are ambitious for children and want them to succeed.

They know when to step in to provide additional support. For example, staff help children to build complex towers out of large building block...s. This helps children to persevere and achieve their personal goals.

Staff provide a wide range of activities to encompass Chinese New Year celebrations, such as learning how to greet each other in Chinese, food tastings and making dragons. As a result, children learn about their community and the cultures and beliefs of others. Staff are positive role models.

They speak calmly and provide clear explanations to children. For example, why they should use 'their walking feet' indoors. This helps children to understand the rules of the setting and to stay safe.

Children are encouraged to be independent. Babies show determination as they attempt to feed themselves. Older children confidently put on their coats to play outdoors.

These simple tasks help all children including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) develop the skills and knowledge that they need to move onto the next stage of their learning.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The setting has been through a period of change following its acquisition by a new provider. Leaders have an accurate view of the strengths and areas for development such as enhancing the outdoor play areas.

Staff are supported well through supervision meetings and training opportunities. Consequently, they understand their roles and responsibilities.Leaders have created a new curriculum in consultation with staff.

However, this is not yet fully embedded into practice. For example, staff are less clear about what the children need to learn next and how. Consequently, they do not always use what they know about children to build on their prior learning.

The support for children with SEND is good. The setting identifies when children may need additional help. It has effective links with partner agencies which enables them to put plans into place to support the children.

Consequently, the setting is helping to narrow the gap in children's learning.Stories are an integral part of the children's day. Children relish the opportunities to sit and read books with staff.

Babies climb on to staff's knees to listen to a favourite story. These meaningful activities help children develop an awareness of early literacy.Staff place great emphasis on developing children's communication and language.

They regularly introduce new words, such as 'squeeze', 'pinch' and 'chopsticks.' This gives the children confidence to use these words in their play.Children delight in moulding dough and competently use a variety of tools.

They have access to a range of writing implements, such as chopsticks to make patterns in the rice. These activities help children to develop the coordination and muscles they need for early writing.Staff use number songs and rhymes to introduce children to counting and number.

As babies explore balls, staff count each one. Children compare the heights of family members. Confidently telling staff who is the 'tallest' or 'shortest.'

They use this knowledge to measure the height of the tower. Ultimately, children develop an awareness of early mathematical concepts.Staff help children to learn new skills, such as learning to use the scooter.

Babies smile as they pick up the rice with a spoon and place it in a bowl. Children 'whiz' around outdoors on a variety of wheeled resources. This bolsters children's confidence on their own abilities.

Staff engage children in discussions about healthy eating and encourage them to try new foods through nurturing encouragement. They discuss the importance of eating a healthy diet and about the ingredients in the meals. These experiences help children in forming healthy habits for their future.

Effective relationships with parents have a positive impact on children's learning and development. Leaders share ideas with parents, such as reading stories at home with their children. This supports children's learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to understand and implement the new curriculum consistently, and identify what children need to learn now and next to help them cumulatively build on prior learning.

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