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This is a good school. Behaviour and safety are outstanding. Pupils are exceptionally well mannered, and their behaviour is exemplary during lessons, at play and while moving around school.
Pupils enjoy learning and relish all opportunities of taking on responsibilities and helping each other. Pupils and their families are exceptionally proud of their school which they say is very safe and caring. Leadership and management are outstanding.
The headteacher, governors and senior leadership team know the school's strengths, and exactly what it needs to do to secure even further improvements. The school is highly inclusive and well respected within the community a...nd its family of schools. Senior leaders and all school staff work tirelessly to ensure that no pupil is disadvantaged by their circumstances, and that all pupils have equal access to high quality learning opportunities.
Achievement is good. The vast majority of pupils make at least good progress throughout the school. A significant proportion make outstanding progress to achieve standards which are higher than the national average by the end of Year 6.
Reading and mathematics are exceptionally strong subjects for a number of groups of pupils, including boys and those entitled to support though the pupil premium. Standards attained by pupils in these groups are outstanding. Teaching is at least good in most year groups, and in all subjects, and is increasingly outstanding.
In the majority of lessons, teachers involve pupils well, and plan tasks which are set at just the right level to sufficiently challenge them and build on their skills and abilities. Governors are closely involved with the school and have ensured that the quality of teaching has improved since the last inspection. It is not yet an outstanding school because : In a few lessons, activities do not match the needs of all groups of pupils, especially in Year 1 and this slows progress.
Pupils' knowledge and understanding of the wide variety of cultures and traditions that characterise multi-cultural Britain is not as well developed as it could be.
Information about this school
This is a larger than average-sized primary school. The proportion of pupils supported through school action is below average.
The proportion of pupils supported at school action plus, or with a statement of special educational needs is below average. The proportion of pupils for whom the school receives additional funding through the pupil premium is above the national average. The pupil premium is additional funding for those pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals, children from service families and those children who are looked after by the local authority.
The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups is well below the national average, and few pupils speak English as an additional language. The school meets the government's current floor standards which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. Since the last inspection, the school has undergone significant staffing changes, including the appointment of a new deputy headteacher, full-time mentor, three additional class teachers (owing to increased numbers) and an Early Years Foundation Stage manager.
The school has undergone significant refurbishments, and remodelling. This has included a new library, classrooms and administration offices. A breakfast club and an after-school service operate from premises adjacent to the school, these are subject to a separate inspection.