Muddy Boots Pioneers Club

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About Muddy Boots Pioneers Club

Name Muddy Boots Pioneers Club
Address Wilberfoss CE Primary School, Storking Lane, Wilberfoss, York, YO41 5ND
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority EastRidingofYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children show enjoyment in activities in the club and have good communication skills.

They laugh together and chat among themselves as they play. Staff have high expectations for children. They share rules and boundaries with them which are fair and consistent.

Children's behaviour is very good and older children show kindness towards young children, such as inviting them to join in imaginative play and football games. Staff provide children with a choice of interesting activities and remind them to take care when using resources, such as scissors. Children benefit from plenty of fresh air and have access to the large scho...ol field.

Staff provide them with a healthy 'snack tea' which children enjoy together before they move on with activities. Staff have good partnerships with teachers in school. They share relevant information about children which helps them to offer support and meet their individual needs.

For instance, they know which strategies teachers use to help children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and make adjustments to their practice. Staff continue to follow guidance in line with school policies in relation to COVID-19. This helps to promote consistency for parents and children.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children develop good social skills and have high levels of self-confidence. They are keen to share their feedback about the club and say they 'wish they could come more often'. Others talk about how they enjoy the craft activities and feel that staff listen to them and what they want to do.

Partnerships with parents and school are effective. Parents say their children always come home from the club happy and have had fun. Staff provide a brief handover when parents collect children and ensure messages from school are passed on.

This helps to promote continuity. However, when children are outside, staff are less organised at collection time and the manager is reflecting on how to improve this.Children's good health is promoted in the club.

For instance, they choose from a wide range of fresh fruit and healthy snacks at teatime. Staff ensure children wash their hands consistently. There are spaces in the club inside where children can sit quietly if they wish.

However, the majority choose to be outdoors and staff provide tables and benches if requested.Staff know children well and value their opinions. They have strong, secure bonds with them.

This has a positive impact on children's emotional well-being. Younger children approach staff to play outdoors and they benefit from close relationships with the team.Staff report they feel happy and supported here.

They benefit from regular meetings and work in close partnership with the linked day-care setting. The management team and some staff work across both settings. This helps to share good practice and maintain consistency.

Managers have high expectations for staff and support their emotional well-being effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of how to keep children safe in the club.

They know the procedures to follow if they have concerns about children's welfare and can identify potential signs of abuse or bullying. Staff teach children how to keep themselves safe. For instance, children are aware of risks on the large field and know which equipment they cannot use.

Managers ensure staff have clear policies to follow if they have concerns about their colleague's practice. They provide regular staff meetings which cover a range of safeguarding issues. This helps staff to maintain an up-to-date knowledge of new legislation in relation to child protection.

Also at this postcode
Wilberfoss Church of England Primary School Muddy Boots Wilberfoss

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