Old Sarum Nursery

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About Old Sarum Nursery

Name Old Sarum Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Old Sarum Community Centre, Old Sarum, SALISBURY, SP4 6GH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive happy at this warm and friendly nursery. They put their arms out to welcome cuddles from staff and separate from their parents with ease, showing that they feel safe to leave them.

Children settle quickly in their room and are keen to get involved in their play and learning from the outset. Parents appreciate the positive impact staff have on children's developing confidence and social skills. For example, children are helped to build strong bonds with the experienced staff and settle well in the environment.

They learn to work independently and in groups to build lasting friendships.Children benefit fr...om a curriculum that exposes them to new and exciting learning experiences. The manager and staff reflect on children's interests and next steps in learning when planning activities.

They consider how resources can be used differently to meet the individual needs of the children accessing them. For instance, children develop their memory, concentration and vocabulary as they try to identify pictures and items from a book being shared with them. Staff are attentive to the needs of all the children they care for.

They show respect, listen to what children say and provide gentle reminders and explanations to help young children manage their emotions and feelings. Children show respect for others and take turns in play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager has worked hard to meet all the actions set at the last inspection.

She has a very good knowledge and understanding of how young children learn. She uses this to support staff to ensure that they are continuously meeting the individual learning and care needs of the children. The manager puts children's emotional well-being, along with communication and language, at the centre of the curriculum to ensure that children can express themselves effectively.

Staff engage children in conversations and model language well. They read books with children and encourage them to join in with songs and rhymes. Staff support children to acquire and use new words.

For example, staff use pictures and objects of reference to teach new vocabulary. Children who speak English as an additional language are well supported to acquire the new vocabulary they need. This helps them to become effective communicators.

Children are supported to make good progress in their early mathematical skills. For example, staff weave mathematical language into activities, such as saying 'more' or 'less' while children explore water play. They actively encourage children to count each block as they build towers.

Children learn to manage some of their own personal needs. They quickly gain good levels of independence. For example, two-year-old children can find their own belongings and identify their pegs.

They learn about the importance of good hygiene practices and will independently wash their own hands. During mealtimes, children serve their food and pour their own drinks with encouragement and guidance from staff. However, at times, staff give inconsistent messages about expectations, which gives young children mixed messages during these times.

For example, some children are encouraged to remain seated while others are allowed to sit on staff's laps.There is a good balance between activities planned and supported by staff and children's self-chosen play and learning. Staff have clear intent for planned group activities to build on what children know and can do in stages.

For example, they make play dough with children to introduce them to the process and explore the materials used. However, at times, the organisation of activities does not always support all children to maintain high levels of interaction and engagement in their learning.Parents speak highly of the setting.

Staff work closely with parents to understand and provide for their children's individual needs. Parents say they feel very well supported, and staff enhance all aspects of their children's development. They share how they like to look at the photos on the online portal with their children.

This enables them to talk about what they have been doing during the day.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff have a good understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities.

They know the signs that could indicate a child is at risk of harm or abuse. They are fully aware of the procedures to follow if they have a concern about a child or member of staff. Safer recruitment procedures are effective.

The premises are safe and secure, and no unauthorised persons can gain access. Staff risk assess all areas of the premises to ensure that any risks are removed to keep children safe.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review how group times are organised to meet the needs of all children, to help them remain engaged and focused so their learning is maximised develop a more consistent approach to better support children's understanding of behavioural expectations and routines.

Also at this postcode
Old Sarum Nursery Zoe’s Kidz Zone Old Sarum Primary School

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