PH Camps - Princecroft Primary School

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About PH Camps - Princecroft Primary School

Name PH Camps - Princecroft Primary School
Address Princecroft Primary School, Princecroft Lane, Warminster, BA12 8NT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy their time at this friendly and busy holiday camp. They receive a warm welcome from staff, who know them well. This contributes to the children's well-being.

Children can't wait to get into the club and start their day. They join in enthusiastically with a variety of activities, such as cricket, parachute games and arts and crafts. There is an emphasis on physical activities, but with plenty of opportunities for children to play quietly so that they can rest and enjoy their day.

For example, they enjoy drawing, colouring, puzzles and building resources. Children choose to play indoors or outdoors.During circ...le time, staff remind children of the rules, go over the activities planned for the day and ask them what they have enjoyed.

Staff use information gathered during circle time, as well as surveys completed by the children and parents, to plan activities that meet the children's needs. Children contribute to the club rules. They feel heard and valued.

This contributes to building their self-esteem. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported by the team. Children are polite, behave well and play cooperatively.

They celebrate each other's successes by shouting encouragement and clapping during games. Children listen well and follow instructions. They make new friends and look forward to playing with them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Parents say that children enjoy their time at the club. They praise the dedicated and friendly team. Parents are not sure of the activities provided.

The site leader provides parents with a list of the daily activities. However, they do not make this information easily accessible, meaning that parents do not always know which activities are available for their children. The management gathers information from parents about their children before they join.

For example, allergies, dietary requirements and support needed. This contributes to children's overall safety and well-being.Staff have created a well-organised and stimulating environment for the children.

A range of excellent resources and outdoor activities are available throughout the session. Children are confident to choose what to play with. To further promote children's choices, the site leader is planning to incorporate books in the quiet areas.

Children enjoy attending the club. They say, 'I have the best time ever', 'I get to play with all my friends' and 'This is the best day ever'.Staff understand the benefits of fresh air and exercise for the children, as well as the importance of regular handwashing before eating and after using the toilet.

Children manage their personal hygiene well. Staff encourage children to play outdoors in all weathers. Children thoroughly enjoy their time outdoors.

For example, they race against each other. Effective practices put in place by the staff contribute to children's health and well-being.All children understand and follow the expected behaviour.

For example, they listen carefully to instructions and follow them. They are polite and kind to each other and staff.Staff are good role models for the children.

They treat the parents, each other and the children with respect and courtesy. Staff consistently support children's confidence and self-esteem. They praise their efforts, seek their views and listen to them with interest.

Children build positive relationships with the staff, which helps them feel safe and secure.Staff supervise children well. They make effective use of walkie-talkies to alert colleagues when children move between rooms, or if they need additional support.

Children know that they must always be in sight of a member of staff.Leaders have a clear vision for the holiday camp. The management team has put effective strategies in place to support the staff in the running of the club.

Robust policies and procedures underpin their daily practices. Leaders evaluate their provision regularly to ensure that the services they offer remain of a high standard. Leaders carry out regular staff supervision.

They use information gathered to identify training needs. Staff access online training and training days. This promotes their continuous professional development and enhances their ability to care for and support children.

Staff comment that they are well supported by the site leader and management team.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are confident to identify risks that would pose a threat to children's well-being.

They are clear about the procedures to follow should they have a concern about a child's welfare. They understand how to escalate concerns to ensure that prompt and appropriate action is taken to keep children safe. Leaders ensure that only suitable staff work with children.

Effective arrangements are in place to ensure that the premises are safe and secure for children to play

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