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About The Acorns Afterschool Club At Princecroft School
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive eager to explore the exciting and varied activities on offer.
Staff warmly greet children and ask them about how their day has been. Younger children confidently explore and gather in the tepee. They talk about their weekends with their friends and discuss how they went camping and that their 'tent was bigger and longer than this'.
Older children focus intently as they play chess. They take turns and respect each other as they wait patiently, allowing each other the time they need to make their next move. Children say, 'You have to be smart to play chess, it is very challenging.'
Older children ac...t as good role models, encouraging younger children's imaginations, 'Pretend it is your birthday and we are having a party.' Younger children listen attentively, excitedly gathering toy plates and cups for their party. Children's motivation, concentration and focus are excellent.
Children's behaviour is exemplary. Staff have high expectations and provide children with clear and consistent boundaries. For example, they follow the 'cool kids code' that are a set of rules that children and staff have created together.
Staff are excellent role models. They value children's opinions and choices. They are attentive to children's needs and consistently engage with children.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff meticulously plan the environment to support children's well-being, ensuring they have areas to relax and unwind after a busy day. Younger children sit comfortably in the cosy corner looking through books. Older children enjoy colouring and discussions about their day with their friends.
Children form wonderful friendships with each other.Children have fun recalling some newly learned facts about their recent project on the Romans. For example, they talk about how some soldiers have feathers on their helmets.
Children take part in fun competitions, such as 'mosaic colouring'. Staff ensure activities have a purpose. Children confidently discuss what they like doing at the club.
Younger children say they like football outside, older children 'like everything, I give this club five stars.' Staff create a warm, calm environment, where children feel safe, secure and valued.Staff provide children with a range of healthy foods during their time at the club.
Children enjoy a freshly cooked hot dinner and staff role model good use of table manners, such as please and thank you. Children pour their own drinks and confidently use cutlery. Older children have awareness of their friends' dietary needs and cultures.
Staff obtain information regarding any special dietary requirements and ensure they adhere to this information accordingly.Children develop good self-care skills as they attend to their own toileting needs and independently wash hands before mealtimes. Children find their own belongings, know where things are kept and can access what they need.
Children's strong understanding of routines creates seamless transitions for them.Senior leaders are extremely dedicated and passionate about their roles and responsibilities. They ensure the long serving staff have regular supervisions and staff report high levels of well-being.
Staff have opportunities to develop and update their knowledge. For example, recent training on asthma has provided staff with a deeper understanding of this medical issue to enable them to support the children.Parents speak highly of the club and the staff.
They comment that their children often do not want to leave at the end of the session. Parents value the consistent information sharing, including any messages from the schools. Parents feel the club is unique as to what they offer in terms of children attending from other schools.
They feel forming relationships with other children supports transitions into secondary school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.