Pioneer Childcare - West Hove Infant School, School Road
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About Pioneer Childcare - West Hove Infant School, School Road
Pioneer Childcare - West Hove Infant School, School Road
West Hove Infant School - School Road Site, Portland Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 5JA
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are settled and happy at the club. They know the routine of the club very well and show that they are confident and independent.
On arrival, they clean their hands and choose a piece of fruit to eat. While eating these, they read books, play popular card games, and talk about their day at school. Older and younger children play harmoniously together.
They concentrate for long periods of time when they join in with the activities provided by staff. For instance, children have fun making pirate boats and compasses. They are enthusiastic and actively use their imagination, such as making up stories to go alongside th...eir creations.
Children are proud of the items they have made and excitedly tell staff and visitors about them. They enjoy taking part in physical activities, such as ball games and dance and movement activities. Children are helped to behave well and show that they feel safe.
For instance, they confidently talk to staff about their own needs and ideas, such as creating a 'feelings box' where children can post their thoughts. Staff are attentive to the children and readily implement their ideas into the activities provided, such as a theme about the weather.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are passionate about providing high-quality care for children.
They have a positive attitude to ongoing improvement and continually reflect on the service provided for parents and their children. Leaders work closely with staff and together they identify areas that they can make even better. For example, they are considering how to enhance the already good communication with parents.
Staff say that they are well supported by the provider and enjoy working for the company. They state that they 'love coming to work'. Staff have supervision and appraisal meetings and are able to discuss their well-being.
They attend regular training, such as behaviour management, to help build on their skills.Children's self-esteem is frequently promoted. For example, staff consistently praise them for their achievements, such as helping to tidy up after their creative activities.
Staff give children stickers which promote kind behaviours. Children respond positively to this and it helps to create a caring culture among the children.Children enjoy their time at the club.
They say that they 'love coming to the club and having fun playing with their friends'. Children enjoy sharing their own ideas and confidently place these into the suggestions box. They take a keen interest in challenges set by staff, such as drawing competitions and team experiments.
This helps their motivation and develops their coordination.Staff help children to develop healthy lifestyles, such as playing outdoors and providing fruit for children to eat. They enjoy the social occasion of snack time and chat happily to their friends.
Staff discuss different types of food that are good for our bodies. The manager is considering enhancing this to include information regarding oral hygiene.Staff encourage children to be independent.
They know where to place their personal belongings when they arrive. Children listen attentively during group sessions, such as 'housekeeping' discussions. They recall expectations for behaviour and discuss the activities on offer before confidently moving to their chosen places of play.
There is a positive partnership between the staff and the teachers at the school. Staff communicate closely with teachers and share information about the children's day at school. Some staff work in the school with the children during the school day.
As a result, children's individual needs are well known.Relationships with parents are strong. Parents say that their children have a wonderful time and do not want to leave at collection times.
Some parents report that their children ask to come to the club at the weekend. Parents have high praise for the manager and his staff. They say that they are always warmly greeted and are able to talk about their children's day.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider follows thorough procedures to ensure staff are continually suitable for their roles. Staff speak confidently about their responsibility for keeping children safe.
They complete regular training to ensure their knowledge of safeguarding issues are up to date. Staff show high levels of knowledge and know what procedures they would follow if they had concerns about a child. Staff help children learn about keeping themselves safe online.
For instance, they discuss computer games that they may play outside of the club. The provider also sends information to parents. Children attending other activities within the school are safely collected.