West Hove Infant School

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About West Hove Infant School

Name West Hove Infant School
Website http://www.westhoveinfants.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Maddie Southern
Address Portland Road, Hove, BN3 5JA
Phone Number 01273733386
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 5-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 491
Local Authority Brighton and Hove
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. Pupils make outstanding progress throughout the school and at the end of Year 2 reach above-average levels of attainment in reading, writing and mathematics. This level of performance has been consistent since the previous inspection.

Children in the Reception classes settle in quickly and make accelerated progress in all areas of learning because of the excellent support they receive. Disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs and those who are eligible for the pupil premium make similar progress to that of their peers. Teaching across all year groups is typically outstanding.

Teachers plan lessons that are fun... and so pupils relish learning. Teachers are exceptionally good at identifying the personal and learning needs of all pupils. They ensure that work is matched closely to their individual needs, but opportunities to develop pupils' creative thinking skills and for them to think critically for themselves are not always fully exploited.

Pupils get on with each other extremely well and enjoy all aspects of the school. They have exceptional behaviour for learning because of the school's caring and supportive ethos. All pupils report that they feel cherished and safe.

Pupils receive outstanding support both within and outside of the classroom by skilled teaching assistants. The headteacher is inspirational and has the highest aspirations for the pupils. She is ably supported by two dynamic deputy headteachers who have a relentless drive to further improve the high standards of the school.

The senior leadership team play a pivotal role in shaping the continued success of West Hove in ensuring outstanding achievement and teaching. Parents have a very positive view of the school and wholeheartedly would recommend it to other parents. Governors know the school well.

They are highly experienced in their role and bring a high level of support and strategic vision to the school. They are diligent at looking at data to track pupils' progress. They monitor assessments of the performance of teaching so as to make sure that the school sustains its success.

The school is used by the local authority as an exemplar of best practice. Pupils' enjoyment of the school is reflected by their consistently above-average attendance, which continues to improve.

Information about this school

West Hove Infant School is much larger than the average infant school.

Since the previous inspection it has expanded and now operates on two sites. Pupils attend either Portland Road or Connaught Road. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for support through the pupil premium is lower than the national average.

Pupil premium is additional funding for looked-after children, pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and pupils with a parent in the armed services. Currently there are no pupils from forces families on roll. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs supported through school action is higher than the national average.

The proportion of pupils who are supported at school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is lower than the national average. The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds is average, as is that of those who speak English as an additional language. There is a before-school club that is run by the governing body.

Also at this postcode
Pioneer Childcare - West Hove Infant School, School Road Hopscotch Nursery Hove Junior School

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