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About Playtime

Name Playtime
Address Mayfield School, Warwick Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 3HN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and excited as they arrive at the club after school.

Staff encourage children to take part in a good range of physically active games, such as football and basketball. They competently organise themselves into teams, playing energetically and with lots of enthusiasm. Staff sensitively support all children to join in and take part.

They recognise each child as an individual and gently guide them when they are unsure. Children behave well. Staff give meaningful praise to children for their positive behaviour and individual achievements.

This contributes to children's positive sense of themselves. ...Sometimes, when children have difficulty in regulating their behaviour, staff intervene and help them to find solutions. Children quickly resolve minor conflicts, play harmoniously together, and understand the need to share and take turns.

Children respond to the caring, nurturing approach of all staff. They recognise that staff are genuinely interested in them and value their contributions. This helps to create a positive environment, where children are enthusiastic and develop confident attitudes that support their ability to learn.

Staff offer praise and help children to celebrate their successes.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff deploy themselves well to help children as they play. They communicate effectively as a team, ensuring children are always supported by a familiar adult.

Staff know how to manage and minimise potential risks to children. They remind children how to keep themselves safe as they play.Children are engaged and settled.

They have good opportunities to relax and develop their social skills as they interact with others. Children draw and like being creative. They spend time absorbed in creating complex designs with small beads.

Staff have established a good working relationship with school staff, and they talk to teachers regularly to exchange key information. They find out about children's time at school. This helps staff to plan activities that complement children's learning.

Staff work well with parents to find out about their child's needs and interests. They exchange information about children's activities and time spent at the club. This helps to promote good continuity of care.

Many parents comment that staff are very friendly and approachable and their child looks forward to their time at the club.Staff ask children about their interests and use this information to plan daily activities. They make sure children have a good selection of resources to choose from.

Children talk about the activities they like to do and are delighted to find their favourite toys are available. This adds to children's enjoyment of their time at the club.Children understand the importance of following sensible hygiene routines and wash their hands before snack.

Children enjoy some fruit and vegetables on arrival. Later they eat toast prepared by staff and help themselves to drinks. However, children sit on the floor to eat as there are not enough tables and chairs.

This also means they do not have the opportunity to enjoy the social aspect that sitting together brings.Children enjoy each other's company. They are kind, cooperative and show good levels of respect and tolerance for others.

Children say they enjoy coming to the club and they like to play with their friends.The provider monitors staff practice and together they discuss any issues. They reflect on the provision they offer to ensure it meets the needs of the children.

Staff say that they are happy working at the club and feel very well supported in their role.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Mayfield Primary School Under Fives Roundabout Cambridge Kids Club @ Mayfield

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