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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children receive a positive start to their education at this pre-school.
They are happy and eager to attend. The inspirational environment supports children's learning and development. Children are confident and inquisitive.
They introduce themselves to visitors, ask questions and talk to them about how they use binoculars. Staff skilfully watch, listen and respond well to children, enabling them to use resources in their own way. Children are imaginative.
They fill teapots with water and add rose petals and fresh herbs to create drinks for their friends. Children develop positive relationships with staff. Thi...s helps them to feel settled and safe.
Children know that they can rely on staff to help them with challenging tasks, such as folding paper to create complex model aeroplanes. Children solve mathematical problems, such as addition, and are learning that groups of objects represent different quantities. Their attention is captured as staff read stories to them with such enthusiasm.
Children are highly motivated to share their knowledge and respond to staff's questions. They are respectful and their voice is valued. Children know to put their hand up and patiently wait for their turn to speak.
Their language and communication skills are good because staff engage in meaningful discussions with children, model language well and introduce them to new vocabulary.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff have an in-depth knowledge of their key children. Frequent staff meetings have a positive impact on the sharing of information about children's individual needs.
This means that all staff are fully informed about how to support children's learning in their chosen play. Staff use their ongoing assessments of children's progress to decide what they need to work on next. A broad curriculum is in place that takes full account of children's interests and their preferred way to learn.
This helps children to make good progress.As a result of the COVID–19 pandemic, staff noticed that children needed more support to develop their physical skills. Staff promoted this area of learning well through the curriculum.
This has helped children to swiftly catch up. They now confidently hang from large apparatus and safely move heavy tyres and blocks of wood to create an enclosure.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are very well supported.
The special educational needs coordinator is knowledgeable in her role. She works in partnership with parents and outside agencies to agree specific strategies to support children's progress. Staff place a high priority on providing an inclusive environment so that children feel part of the pre-school community.
Partnerships with parents are strong. Parents are welcomed into the pre-school to experience time with their child and volunteer as a parent helper. Parents speak highly of staff.
They appreciate how they are kept informed about their child's progress and given ideas to support their learning at home. Parents describe the staff as 'fantastic' and value how they 'create such a lovely atmosphere'.Staff have good opportunities to continue to build on their professional development.
The manager and staff have a shared ambition to provide high-quality care. Regular supervision meetings help to identify and support staff practice.Staff manage children's minor disagreements calmly.
They talk to children about the importance of taking turns and the feelings of others. This helps to prepare children to regulate their own behaviour.Participation in community events and outings enhances children's understanding of the wider world.
Staff provide children with opportunities to learn about similarities and differences between themselves and others. For example, children explore the difference in colour and texture of their hair. However, staff do not fully support all children who speak English as an additional language to use their home language during their play, to enhance their speaking skills.
The manager and staff are ambitious. They regularly reflect on the provision they offer to identify ways they can improve further. However, the organisation of some parts of the day is not fully effective to maintain children's engagement and provide them with the very best learning opportunities.
Children sit for adult-led activities for prolonged periods before and after lunch, and, at times, some children receive minimal interaction while staff carry out routine tasks.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager ensures staff receive regular training to help them understand their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding.
Staff know the signs and symptoms that might suggest that a child is at risk of harm. They know what to do if they have a concern about a child's safety and well-being. Additionally, staff know what to do if they have a concern about a colleague's conduct.
The manager carries out robust checks to help ensure children are cared for by suitable staff. The provider understands her responsibilities to keep Ofsted informed of any significant events and changes to the committee.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance opportunities for all children to hear and use their home language review the organisation of the pre-school day, to ensure children remain fully engaged and their learning is maximised.