Pre-School Academy

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About Pre-School Academy

Name Pre-School Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Address Dawlish Drive, Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 9SF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive at this nursery. They are completely immersed in and captivated by the exciting and individualised curriculum on offer.

The staff are highly passionate about their role and show genuine care and unwavering commitment to every child. Children behave impeccably. Staff teach them skills that empower them to solve conflicts positively and to manage their behaviour maturely.

For instance, when children want the same broom, they work out how to solve the problem themselves. Children learn to understand feelings. For example, when staff pretend to be sad because their wand is broken, children offer hugs... and work together to fix it, and check that they are happy again.

The indoor and outdoor environments are meticulously designed to meet children's needs. They offer the same focus and high-quality experience for children, who can independently access all the resources. Staff are on hand to support children when they require this, but stand back to allow them to explore and follow their own interests.

For example, children learn to balance on an obstacle course independently. Children find different materials to add to their pictures, allowing them to follow their own lines of creative thinking.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and staff have an ambitious view of what children need to learn through the curriculum.

Children make rapid progress with their communication skills. Staff expertly teach all age groups new words and their meaning. For example, older children describe what the word 'flutter' means.

Babies and toddlers have fun exploring sensory trays. They learn rich new language, such as 'crunchy' and 'crumbly' when exploring rice, oats and pasta.Staff place a strong focus on developing children's love of books.

For example, pre-school children know that an author writes books, and an illustrator draws the pictures. They confidently name the titles of other books the author has written. Children excitedly point out features on the pages of stories and demonstrate a wide vocabulary.

Children become enthralled as the story develops. They listen intently.Children are actively encouraged to have a go at challenges and test out their ideas.

For example, when experimenting with mixing coloured water, children make predictions about what colour they might make, such as 'indigo'.Children are very confident in their own abilities. Staff encourage children to be independent.

Children access drinks when they are ready and help to set the tables for lunch. Staff consult children about what is happening next, particularly with intimate care needs. Staff ask babies if they are ready for their nappy change.

Toddlers choose if they want staff to help them have a wash after mealtimes. This helps children to understand the importance of making their own choices.Managers and staff create a culturally rich and diverse learning environment.

Staff organise many cultural events and activities to celebrate each child's uniqueness, and to help them to learn about their differences. The atmosphere and curriculum successfully help children to develop high self-esteem and highly respectful attitudes.Parents cannot praise the setting enough, commenting that it 'feels like an extended family'.

They value the expertise that is shared with them to support children's learning at home. Parents state that the relationships their children have developed with staff are loving and nurturing. They have seen excellent progress with their children's development since they have started at the nursery.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are extremely well supported. Staff work closely with parents and external agencies to ensure that children receive the focused support they need. Managers sharply focus funding to meet the needs of the children.

This ensures that children progress exceptionally well and have the best possible start to the next stage in their education.Managers are extremely passionate about helping children to succeed. They work tirelessly to improve the environment and staff's practice.

All staff are supported well to develop their skills and improve their teaching. They regularly attend training workshops and training days. Staff's well-being is high on the agenda, and managers have an open-door policy so that staff can talk to them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider and staff have an extensive knowledge of safeguarding. They understand the signs which may indicate that a child is vulnerable to abuse.

Staff confidently explain the local safeguarding partnership procedures. They know the actions to take if they have any concerns about a child's welfare. Staff understand what to do in the event of an allegation being made against a member of staff.

They keep children under their close supervision, reminding them about how to keep themselves safe. Managers have thorough procedures to make sure that staff are suitable to work with children when they are first employed. They complete periodic checks to ensure that staff remain suitable.

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