The Eye Nursery Limited

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About The Eye Nursery Limited

Name The Eye Nursery Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address Eye Nursery, Dawlish Drive, Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 9SF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is inadequate

Staff do not plan interesting activities linked to children's current interests. Planning is not individualised to include learning intentions for children at the next stage of development. Children do not make good progress, as the curriculum is not ambitious, sequenced and well planned for all children.

Staff do not consider what they want children to learn and how they are going to extend children's knowledge.Younger children do not make the best possible progress in their language development, as interactions are not of a consistently high quality. Staff do not introduce new words or engage in meaningful back and fort...h exchanges to support children's use of language.

During adult-led group activities, older children's vocabulary is not extended, as new language is not introduced and modelled. For example, staff do not familiarise children with different words to describe the same thing.Children appear happy, and they separate from their parents with ease.

Children do not behave well. This is because staff do not have consistently high expectations for all children's behaviour all the time. Some routines, such as tidy-up time, are introduced well.

For example, children attempt to beat a timer. However, staff do not ensure that all children fully participate by putting resources away in the correct drawer or box. Children who complete the task are not recognised or praised for their participation.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are identified and necessary referrals are made to agencies for additional support. However, staff wait to implement known support strategies and, as a result, children's progress is delayed.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have not implemented an ambitious and sequenced curriculum which has high expectations for all children.

Leaders describe how they want children to be good communicators, interact socially and develop their independence in preparation for school. However, staff do not embed these behaviours into activities and routines. Children do not make good progress in their independence and self-care skills, as staff serve children all snacks and meals, and they select and put on children's coats.

Staff carry young children rather than encouraging them to develop their independence by walking.Staff lead group activities. Children come together to identify animals by their key features.

Children call out animal names as staff describe a long neck or a bushy mane. Some children join in to explain what 'extinct' means, saying, 'They are no longer alive,' when a dinosaur is introduced. However, positive behaviour rules are not followed, as staff do not support children to take turns, listen to their peers or give all children the opportunity to have a go.

Children become distracted, as staff have not managed the group sufficiently to engage all children in purposeful learning.Staff do not effectively build on what children already know and can do. Planning does not include activities to address any gaps in children's learning.

Furthermore, staff do not have high expectations for all children's learning, particularly for the older children. Staff do not focus planning on the provision of consistently good opportunities to extend children's learning, develop their thinking skills and engage in purposeful play. Consequently, all children are not making good progress in their learning and development.

The key-person system is not effective. Plans exist for new children to settle into the nursery. Key persons are allocated when children have completed this transition.

However, this is not clearly communicated to parents and they are unsure of whom to approach and share information on their child's care. This results in children's emotional well-being not being supported, as children do not have a named member of staff to build a close relationship with during their transition into the nursery.Parents report that they are happy with the communication they receive on children's care.

They know what activities their children have been doing and what they have eaten and drunk during their time at nursery. However, parents are not made aware of the stage of their child's development, the next steps for their children's learning and what staff are planning to teach them next.Leaders describe how staff have access to a wide range of ongoing professional development.

Staff share key aspects from training with colleagues during team meetings. However, leaders do not have an effective system in place to assess the impact of this training on staff's knowledge and practice. This means that staff are unsure on how they can raise the quality of education for all children in the setting.

Leaders and managers follow safe recruitment procedures when employing staff to ensure their suitability to work with children. Gaps in employment, references and Disclosure and Barring Service checks are requested and screened prior to new staff being offered a starting date in the setting. However, Ofsted was not notified about the recent change in manager, which is an early years foundation stage requirement.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date implement a curriculum that is ambitious and sequences children's learning and development to ensure all children make good or better progress 05/04/2024 improve planning of the curriculum, to take into account children's interests and current abilities, to build on what children already know to ensure all children make good or better progress 05/04/2024 provide effective support for staff, including coaching, mentoring and tailored training to ensure good or better outcomes for children 05/04/2024 leaders to implement a system to assess the impact of training on quality 05/04/2024 support staff to consistently manage children's behaviour 05/04/2024 improve understanding of changes to be notified to Ofsted and the timeframe in which to do this in 05/04/2024 review the current arrangements for allocating key persons, to ensure children's emotional wellbeing is supported as they transition into the setting 05/04/2024 provide information to parents on their children's development and next stage of learning.


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