Premier Wraparound Care at St Wilfrids Catholic Primary School

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About Premier Wraparound Care at St Wilfrids Catholic Primary School

Name Premier Wraparound Care at St Wilfrids Catholic Primary School
Address St. Wilfrids Rc Primary School, Arundel Road, Angmering, Littlehampton, BN16 4JR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestSussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children have an enjoyable time at this club.

They arrive happily and run over to the fun and friendly staff team, who greet them warmly. Children confidently tell friends and adults about their day, laughing as they do so. Children know the club routine well.

They illustrate this by placing their bags and coats on benches, before running over to play with friends. Children enthusiastically work together to build construction models, demonstrating respectful friendships. Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour.

Children help to devise the rules of the club. They demonstrate their understanding of thes...e by sharing resources such as taking turns in a tent. They thank one another as they do so, demonstrating they have good manners.

Older children involve younger children in their play and offer advice. For instance, they give ideas of how to arrange construction bricks more effectively. Children smile and take the advice given, demonstrating trusting relationships.

Children of all ages play very well together. They take it in turns to play football, kicking the ball to one another. Staff praise children effectively and encourage them to persevere when the ball does not go in the planned direction.

This helps children to build good levels of self-esteem.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have clear aims to provide a club in which children can receive the best level of care, make friends and increase their confidence. They respect children's opinions and involve them in the decision-making process.

Children make their own choice of activities to play with. They concentrate well as they giggle away with friends and use resources to act out a story of taking a pet to the vets. Children demonstrate good imagination skills as they play.

Staff cheerfully praise all children for their efforts. Children respond warmly and cuddle into staff, demonstrating trusting relationships.Staff successfully help children to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Children choose from a range of a nutritious options, shared during a sociable snack time. They make their own wraps and show friends what ingredients they have chosen, comparing choices. Children talk to friends about the need to be healthy, as they enjoying eating 'yummy' wraps.

Children shriek with delight as they join in with favourite musical dance videos. Staff join in with the dance moves, causing children to laugh. Children slide across the floor with friends, showing good control.

Staff are well deployed and supervise children's activities successfully.Leaders regularly reflect on their practice so they can monitor what is working well at the club. Comprehensive risk assessments are in place to ensure that all activities are appropriate for all ages of children.

Leaders make good use of individual meetings with staff to review their practice and identify any training needs. Weekly group meetings ensure that staff keep up to date with any new information. Staff appreciate the support they receive, and they love working at the club.

Children are confident communicators. They interact with visitors and happily share past experiences. For example, one child mentions that they have a wobbly tooth.

This sparks a conversation between several children about how the tooth fairy came to visit them. Children compare how much money the tooth fairy left them. They respectfully wait their turn to share their own stories.

Staff provide a wide range of opportunities for children to be creative. For example, children are enthusiastic as they colour and draw pictures of pharaohs. Staff support children well and ask questions, such as asking which pharaoh they have drawn.

Children excitedly say, 'Tutankhamun' and recall stories relating to this pharaoh. They eagerly show staff when they have finished and look proudly at their creations.Partnership with parents are good.

They comment on how safe the club is and say their children are well looked after. Parents appreciate the good communication they receive from staff. Leaders regularly communicate with the school that children attend.

This helps to ensure that children receive continuity of care.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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St Wilfrids Catholic Primary School

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