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About School Friend Clubs @ London Fields
School Friend Clubs @ London Fields
London Fields Primary School, Westgate Street, LONDON, E8 3RL
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy and eager to participate in the wide range of activities set up in the spacious indoor and outdoor areas.
Activities suggested by children are planned into the provision. Younger children work in small groups to complete puzzles. They maintain attention and concentration when creating a farm using wooden blocks and discuss with their friends where to place the different farm animals.
Lots of children benefit from using the reading area to relax and read a book with their friends. Outside, children explore a wide array of activities that promote the development of their gross motor skills. Children practi...se skills such as balancing, jumping and hopping.
Children show delight riding bikes and playing in the water and sand area. They show curiosity as they use measuring jugs to pour water into different containers and compare which one holds more. Children are fascinated by the different resources made available by staff, such as tyres, wooden blocks and planks.
They use these to create obstacle courses and take turns to balance and jump off. Children pretend to do gardening in the mud kitchen and say, 'Look, I'm going to grow a flower.' Children excitedly take turns and travel through the tunnel.
They form a line and place a hand on their friends' shoulders and all work together to move like a caterpillar across the playground.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff act as positive role models and have high expectations of children. They engage in conversation with children, making them feel welcomed and valued.
Children show a positive attitude and are motivated to investigate and explore the stimulating environments. Children follow the 'school friends club' rules, which children helped create. After registration, all children chant the rules and staff remind and reinforce these rules.
However, staff do not fully support children to implement these behavioural expectations, particularly as they move from the indoor to the outdoor environment.Children express and demonstrate that they feel safe, comfortable and confident to share any concerns they may have with an adult in the provision. This supports their emotional well-being.
Managers implement robust systems to consistently monitor the impact of training that all staff attend. Staff welcome the opportunity to carry out further training to improve their performance. The managers ensure that staff receive a comprehensive induction that enables them to carry out their roles and responsibilities effectively.
Following their induction, staff receive further training, coaching and mentoring to enhance their practice.Managers regularly seek the views of parents, staff and children to enhance the provision. For example, parents suggested activities that were not engaging for their child.
The manager and staff spoke to children and took on board their suggestions to ensure activities are more appealing to them.Staff support children to develop a good understanding of healthy eating. They offer children the option to select different fruit from the fruit platter during snack time.
Children also have access to water from the water station set up by staff. Children benefit from an interactive nutrition display, which staff use to discuss healthy food choices to maintain a balanced diet.Staff accommodate and meet children's allergen, dietary and medical needs exceptionally well.
All staff have completed training on food allergies and dietary requirements as well as food hygiene training.Staff create opportunities for children to learn about different faiths. They learn about different cultures and festivals in this very diverse setting.
For example, children decorated tee shirts with different colours to celebrate the festival of Holi.Managers and staff consistently ensure the security systems, used by parents, staff, children and visitors, are effective in keeping children safe.Staff work closely with the early years teachers from the school to support younger children in their provision effectively.
Parents are extremely complimentary of the service the managers and staff provide. They are happy with the communication and opportunity to contact staff easily. They are particularly pleased with how happy their children attending the provision are.
They appreciate that staff are welcoming, friendly and caring.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported well. The school SEND teaching assistant works closely with the staff and manager to plan activities that meet the needs of children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff have a secure knowledge and understanding of how to safeguard children and the systems and procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child's safety. They complete safeguarding training using a recognised training provider.
Staff receive coaching and mentoring monthly by the managers to review their knowledge of safeguarding. Managers quiz staff members on different safeguarding scenarios to check staff's understanding and knowledge and identify any gaps for which they will be referred to receive further training on. Staff carry out daily risk assessments to ensure the indoor and outdoor area is safe, clean and hygienic for children to play in.