London Fields Primary School

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About London Fields Primary School

Name London Fields Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Sharon Taylor
Address Westgate Street, Hackney, London, E8 3RL
Phone Number 02072544330
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 422
Local Authority Hackney
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. Leaders, managers and governors have ensured that the school continues to give an outstanding education to its pupils.

They are highly ambitious for everyone in the school. Much teaching is outstanding and never less than good. Pupils' progress has continued to accelerate since the previous inspection.

Pupils make outstanding progress from their different starting points. Attainment is well above the national average at the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Children in the early years achieve extremely well because of the wide range of high-quality and enjoyable learning experiences.

All groups of pupils, including who are disadvantaged, disabled or have special educational needs, make rapid and sustained progress through the school. School leaders make sure that no pupil falls behind. Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and very high expectations for both pupils' learning and behaviour.

Relationships between staff and pupils are a real strength of the school. Other adults make a very effective contribution to pupils' learning whether supporting pupils in class or working with them in small groups. Pupils' behaviour is excellent.

This includes the children in the early years. Pupils thoroughly enjoy their time at school, which is shown in the improving levels of attendance. Their attitudes in the classroom are extremely positive.

Pupils are very proud of their school and display a real love of learning. Pupils say that they feel very safe at school. Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is excellent.

They have a strong sense of right and wrong and very well-developed social skills. Parents and carers speak highly of the school. They are entirely confident that their children are well cared for and kept safe.

The school routinely involves parents and carers in the education of their children. The governing body is highly effective in holding leaders to account for the school's performance. The headteacher provides outstanding leadership.

Her clear vision and high aspirations for all pupils have been key to the school's continued development and improvement since the previous inspection. Staff work extremely well together. Teamwork is very strong.

They are very loyal to the school and share the senior leadership's vision for the school. Middle leaders make a very strong contribution to pupils' achievement in their areas of responsibility.

Information about this school

This is an above average-sized primary school.

The majority of pupils belong to a range of minority ethnic groups and approximately half of pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs is above the national average. There are two classes in Reception Year and one in the Nursery Year.

Just over half of the children attend the Nursery full time. Just over half of all pupils are eligible for support through pupil premium funding. This is well above the national average.

The pupil premium is additional government funding given to schools for disadvantaged pupils who are eligible for free school meals or are children who are looked after. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. At the time of the previous inspection, the school was part of a federation of five local schools and the current headteacher was head of school.

In April 2014 the federation ceased; a new governing body was created and the head of school was appointed as the headteacher. In the autumn term 2014, the school increased the capacity of the leadership team by employing two non-class based key stage leaders. There are currently six Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) in the school.

The headteacher is a National Leader of Education (NLE) and the deputy headteacher is a Specialist Leader of Education (SLE). The school works closely with a number of schools in a supportive capacity, including one in a neighbouring authority. The school has achieved the Gold Artsmark and Science awards.

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