Stagecoach Performing Arts

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About Stagecoach Performing Arts

Name Stagecoach Performing Arts
Address Burlington Junior School, Burlington Road, New Malden, KT3 4LT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority KingstonuponThames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the setting happy and excited. Staff focus on supporting children to develop their confidence, speaking and physical skills through dance, singing and drama.

Children receive a warm welcome from staff, resulting in a friendly atmosphere. They adapt well and fully understand the routines. For example, children confidently say goodbye to their parents and know where to put their belongings and sit.

Children settle quickly and have a strong sense of belonging. Children's excitement fills the air as they join in the warm-up activities. They have positive attitudes and participate eagerly.

For exampl...e, children relish the abundance of opportunities to sing. They develop good spatial awareness, and coordination as they dance to music. Children energetically copy staff as they model how to perform their lines and express themselves.

Children behave well, take turns, and listen to each other and staff. They are respectful and form good relationships. Children benefit from having a key member of staff, who ensures that all children are settled and feel safe.

Children quickly build new friendships.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager has a determined vision to promote children's confidence, social skills, communication and language and physical development in the setting. This helps children to gain valuable skills for later life.

The manager includes the views of children, parents and staff in self-evaluation. This helps to identify ways to enhance the setting, such as ensuring that staff are equipped with the relevant knowledge and skills through training.Staff provide children with play experiences which complement their learning from school.

For example, children have opportunities to practise their creativity and self-expression. They develop their concentration skills, such as following instructions and repetition. Younger children develop good reading skills as they repeat sounds, pronounce words and recite scripts.

Children are cared for by staff that are responsive to their needs. Staff know children well and form strong relationships with them. New children settle quickly, as staff take time to help them understand where to find the necessary facilities and introduce them to the group.

Children are given opportunities to share their news from home or school as they get to know each other. As a result, children enjoy their time at the setting.Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities very well.

They work in partnership with parents and the school to ensure that children's individual needs are met.Children are effectively supported to understand time. For example, staff help them to recall past experiences from the week before.

They are encouraged to use their 'high' and 'low' tone voice. Children use mathematical vocabulary in songs, such as singing 'over the rainbow'. They make shapes such as a crescent and compare it to a banana.

Staff have clear expectations for children's behaviour. They act as good role models and take time to explain the setting's rules. Children use good manners appropriately.

Staff help them to understand that not all people share the same view or ideas as they do. This helps children to prepare well for life in modern Britain.Children are confident.

Those attending for a while are familiar with the routines of the setting. Younger children are supported to develop their independence in managing their own needs. Children independently wash their hands.

They are reminded to drink their water to keep hydrated. Staff support children to develop their body control as they participate in drama and dance.Parents comment positively about the caring and pleasant staff.

They say that someone is always there to support their child in a safe environment. Parents appreciate all the fun activities that staff do with their children, and report that their children want to keep coming back.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have robust recruitment processes. Staff receive child protection training, including the 'Prevent' duty. This helps those staff working with children to be aware of the possible signs and symptoms of abuse and how to report concerns.

Additionally, the manager shares information on safeguarding issues, such as county lines. Staff receive regular supervision sessions. This provides staff with the opportunity to discuss their well-being and ongoing suitability.

An effective induction procedure ensures that all staff working with children are aware of the setting's policies and procedures, and how to implement them. Staff are well deployed and vigilant. This ensures that children are well supervised and supported.

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