Zone All Sports and Care Ltd

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About Zone All Sports and Care Ltd

Name Zone All Sports and Care Ltd
Address Burlington Infant and Nursery School, Burlington Road, New Malden, KT3 4LT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority KingstonuponThames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements The staff team build an engaging and welcoming environment. Children show that they feel happy and secure as they meet familiar staff and their friends. They engage immediately in a range of activities planned for them by staff who know children well.

Activities are engaging for children and reflect their personal needs and interests. For example, younger children enjoy creating pictures of their favourite cartoon characters and older children play board or card games.Staff gather children together each morning to talk about the routines of the day.

They remind children about the rules of the club and the importance of wor...king together. Children listen carefully and gain a sense of belonging as they look forward to the activities that await them. Younger children confidently interact with older peers and the staff.

They involve each other in their play and games. For example, older children demonstrate to younger children how to kick the ball in a game of football.Staff are good role models and treat children with respect and kindness.

They demonstrate sharing and turn taking. Children are polite, caring and follow the rules of the club. This contributes to the overall happy, calm and caring atmosphere.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider and staff are committed to ensuring children feel safe and well looked after, as well as being able to have fun in this out-of-school club. Children eagerly share their experiences and enjoyment in attending, openly telling visitors about what they like to do and how much fun the staff are.Children's safety is paramount.

Effective risk assessments, including checks before children arrive, ensure the environment is safe and secure. Children are well supervised by staff, who take the time to sit and chat with the children as they engage in their play. They use regular headcounts ensuring that when children move from one area to another, staff account for everyone present.

All children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, are supported well in the club. There is an inclusive atmosphere and staff demonstrate a good knowledge of all children's individual needs. Staff liaise closely with outside support agencies and parents to maintain continuity in meeting children's needs.

They are responsive and sensitive to children's emotions. Quiet spaces are provided when children need to relax and rest.Staff teach children how to manage good hygiene routines.

For example, children confidently wash their hands before snack times and understand the importance of this. Children confidently help themselves to sips of water throughout their time at the club.Staff report that they feel well supported in their roles.

They take part in supervision sessions to support their training and well-being. They complete mandatory training, such as safeguarding. Leaders have clear plans for staff progression and discuss further training opportunities to enhance the quality of the provision.

Staff encourage children to be creative and provide a new art activity for each session. For example, children concentrate as they use a range of media to create their own cartoon characters. They talk about what they are making and share their ideas confidently.

This supports children in developing their imagination and creative skills.Staff comment that they enjoy working at the club and feel respected and valued. They work together as a team and effectively communicate with one another to ensure the smooth running of the club.

For instance, they share responsibilities and activities. This helps ensure that children are kept safe.The provider implements an effective recruitment and induction training plan for staff.

This ensures that staff are suitable for their role and they have the support and supervision they need. The provider is reflective in his self-evaluation of the club. Staff have opportunities to take part in training, which enhances their skills and knowledge of how to meet children's needs effectively.

He plans on further developing opportunities for staff to develop their knowledge and skills.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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