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About Tranmere Out of School Club
Tranmere Out of School Club
Tranmere Park Primary School, Ridge Close, Guiseley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS20 8JJ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy and eager to attend the club after a busy day at school. Many of the children have their special friendship groups and have the freedom to socialise and play together. Staff skilfully ask children what they like to do and enthusiastically involve themselves in the varied activities.
This friendly approach helps to provide a sense of fun and encourages a relaxed and calming environment. Children quickly get involved in their chosen activities. They enjoy taking part in craft activities that are planned to reflect their own ideas.
For example, younger children proudly show their paintings of a storybook ch...aracter. Equally, older children take great pleasure in describing how they have created origami stars. Staff adapt activities to incorporate children's learning from school.
They help younger children to hold a pencil and paintbrush correctly and copy the letters of their name. Staff have high behaviour expectations and are always alert to, and acknowledge, acts of kindness. Children behave very well.
They play cooperatively with their friends. For example, a group of older children develop their negotiation skills as they agree on how they will use the bricks to construct a garage, road and a car park.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children know where to put their belongings on arrival.
They move sensibly around the premises and are supported well through staff's caring, close supervision. Children are confident and self-assured. They readily talk to visitors about why they enjoy coming to the club.
They express how much they like playing with their friends and choosing from the range of activities on offer.The environment is carefully organised to allow all children space to enjoy activities appropriate for their age. Staff are well deployed, and all actively engage with the children in their play.
Staff talk to the children about what children are doing and help to extend their play and learning by asking appropriate questions.Staff encourage children to be independent. For example, children take responsibility for their own belongings, and they continue to manage their own self-care needs well.
Children learn the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They have access to the school playground where they enjoy more physical play. They follow good hygiene routines and enjoy a range of healthy snacks.
Snack time is a sociable occasion where children show confidence in speaking and listening. They demonstrate this as they all sit together to talk about things that are important to them.Younger children use their imaginative skills as they pretend to be hairdressers.
They use their real-life experiences in their play and enjoy brushing and styling adult's hair, creating and acting out various characters.Staff develop strong partnerships with parents. They gain information from parents about their child's interests and ensure the resources and activities reflect these.
This helps children to settle in from the outset. Staff ensure that they have regular chats with parents about their child's time at the club and pass on information from the school each day.Partnership working with the host school is well established.
Staff gather information from the school to ensure that all children's needs are met. This helps to ensure continuity in children's care and learning between school and the club. There is an effective key-person system in place for early years children to help oversee their care.
The manager and staff continually reflect on the provision to identify further ways to build on the good practice. The qualified and experienced staff benefit from developmental opportunities to continually strengthen their skills and children's experiences. The manager provides regular one-to-one meetings for all staff.
Staff discuss any issues about their workload, the children they care for, training and their ongoing suitability to work with children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager ensures all staff understand their responsibilities regarding child protection.
Staff have a good understanding of the possible signs and symptoms of abuse, including abuse from exposure to extreme views or behaviours. They know what to do if they have any concerns about children's welfare. Robust recruitment and vetting procedures check that staff are suitable to work with children.
Staff take all necessary steps to minimise hazards so that children are safe as they play. The premises are safe and secure. Staff deploy themselves effectively to supervise children during their play and to provide them with the support they need.