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Tranmere Park Primary is a warm and inclusive school. Every pupil is cared for and supported to achieve their best.
Staff support every child as an individual.
Pupils are kind to one another. They respect and celebrate difference and they appreciate the school's strong sense of community.
Bullying is very rare and always dealt with if it occurs.
Pupils meet the high expectations of staff. They consistently display the values of 'be yourself, be your best, be team Tranmere'.
Pupils make the most of the wide range of opportunities they have to demonstrate their leadership skills and to develop their talents and interests.
Pupils behav...e exceptionally well. They are highly motivated to learn.
They are very positive about the way that staff support them. Pupils develop the knowledge and skills they need for the future. They are supported to read fluently and staff work hard to ensure that every pupil develops a love of reading.
The school ensures that pupils develop their confidence, responsibility and independence throughout their time at Tranmere Park. In the early years, children are resilient and curious. They learn how to regulate their emotions and develop a love of learning.
Throughout their time at school, pupils enjoy a wide range of carefully planned opportunities to develop their confidence and independence, both in and out of the classroom.
Relationships between leaders, staff, pupils and families are very strong. Pupils, parents and carers are actively involved in the life of the school.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are ambitious for every pupil at the school. They have ensured that pupils learn a broad and ambitious curriculum. Teachers ensure that pupils develop their knowledge and skills over time across the range of subjects.
As a result, pupils achieve very well. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). In some subjects, such as French, pupils develop particularly rich and secure knowledge as a result of careful curriculum planning and highly effective teaching which begins in the early years.
Leaders have prioritised reading. Children develop their knowledge of phonics from the early years and most children quickly learn to read fluently. Pupils' outcomes in reading have been consistently strong over time.
Older pupils develop their reading through an ambitious reading curriculum, and leaders have thought carefully about how to ensure that all pupils are supported to read increasingly complex texts with fluency. Pupils place a high value on reading and read widely and often. Leaders have recently implemented a new approach to teaching phonics in order to ensure that all pupils learn to read as quickly as possible.
This approach is already having a positive impact. However, a small number of pupils need further support to address gaps in their prior learning in order to ensure that they can access the ambitious curriculum in phonics.
Teachers present new material in a way which is clear and engaging.
Pupils take an active part in their learning and enjoy a range of opportunities for debate and discussion. Teachers regularly revisit previous learning to help pupils remember this. Teachers check pupils' understanding of what they have been taught.
Leaders have worked hard to develop curriculum plans which ensure that pupils develop a secure knowledge of important content and concepts which will enable them to learn later material. However, in a few subjects this work is still in progress and as a result teachers do not always focus teaching and activities and assessment on the most important content and concepts in their curriculum.
Pupils' personal development is given a high priority across the school.
Pupils learn how to be healthy and safe and are knowledgeable about issues such as mental health and healthy lifestyles. Pupils enjoy a very wide range of experiences and learning outside of the classroom, and these are carefully planned to ensure that they enhance what pupils learn in the curriculum. Many pupils take on roles of responsibility in the school, and they have regular opportunities to develop their leadership and confidence.
Staff enjoy working at this school and they are well supported. Leaders engage with staff and seek to reduce any unnecessary burdens on them. Parents celebrate the work of the school and the support which staff provide to their children.
Parents receive regular and effective communication from leaders, including in the early years. Pupils and staff are closely involved in the local community. Leaders continually seek to improve the school and to sustain their high standards.
Changes in the school's leadership structure have ensured that leaders have clear responsibilities and can have a significant impact on developing the school's provision. Governors are highly skilled and effective. They contribute actively to the strategic direction of the school and rigorously hold leaders to account.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff are knowledgeable about the risks that children might face. They look out for signs that children might need further support.
If staff have concerns about a child, they act on these quickly. Leaders ensure that pupils get the help they need, working effectively with other local agencies.
Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe.
They are knowledgeable about risks and how to reduce these.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, teaching does not always secure pupils' knowledge of the most important content and concepts which they need to learn new material and access the school's ambitious curriculum. Leaders should ensure that teachers focus teaching activities and assessment on securing the knowledge and skills which will have the greatest impact on pupils' ability to achieve ambitious curriculum end points.